A National Peace Academy Partnership with Metta Center


meditation for peacemakers

Date: March 17, 2012

Time: 9:30-5:30 pm

Location:  Petaluma, CA (to be announced once registrations are in).
Conducted by:   Metta Center for Nonviolence
Course Instructors: Michael Nagler, Metta Center President and Professor emeritus and founder of Peace and Conflict Studies Program, UC Berkeley; Stephanie Van Hook, Metta Center Executive Director
Course fees: $125 general (We do not want to turn anyone away for lack of funds.  We invite those who can do so to offer more than the suggested fee so that others can attend for less.)

This special, 1-day workshop will provide an in-depth introduction to passage meditation and its applications to nonviolence and peacemaking. Participants will learn how to meditate along these lines (if they do not have another practice already), experience group practice, and explore the relationship between inner and outer peace. Participants will also be encouraged to discover their particular gifts as makers of peace, and create a strategy for expressing those gifts, as well as learning practical strategies for maintaining their enthusiasm in the face of stress and resistance.

Click here to register



Learning Goals

(1) Students will establish an effective meditation practice, and explore effective contexts for its application in peacework and activism. (2) Students will deepen their understanding of nonviolence as an inner and outer resource. (3) Students will gain insight into the nature of conflict and its creative resolution.

Core Knowledge

Positive peace, nonviolence, inner security, an understanding of spiritual growth and its applications to social change.

Core Skills

meditation, detachment, conflict analysis and resolution