Here is Michael Nagler addressing the Heartfulness Center in Freemont, CA about the relationship between nonviolence and meditation and how, when these powers are harnessed, they can create a positive force for personal and global transformation. Every one of us can participate in this great shift. Please enjoy his talk below, share it on social… read more
Tag Archives: meditation
Meditation and Prayer: How to Uplift Ourselves and the World

Michael will be speaking at this UC Berkeley event this coming Sunday afternoon, September 15th, 2019. If you are able to attend, please come and say hello. … read more
Meditation and Nonviolence: Why and How
A Frequently Asked Question about nonviolence is about meditation: why do we promote it as practitioners of nonviolence and how do you do it? Part II of the show is our Nonviolence in the News round-up for the first week of February 2019, covering resources, events, and stories. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS… read more
Tools and Principles of Nonviolence: Workshop
“Nonviolence is the greatest power at the disposal of humanity.” ~Gandhi Conflict is inevitable, violence is not. In this workshop, we will dive into the transformative power of nonviolence, which, when properly understood and creatively applied, has the potential of solving almost all of the challenges of our modern world, especially the on-going menace of… read more
Our Minds on Restorative Justice Daily Metta
In this discussion about Search for a Nonviolent Future, Michael Nagler gives some examples about the way that restorative justice begins in our minds. He emphasizes that what we tell ourselves about ourselves matters more than we know. Please add your comments below. About Daily Metta Stephanie Van Hook, the Metta Center’s executive director, launched… read more
Concentration: Daily Metta
“In heartfelt prayer the worshipper’s attention is concentrated on the object of worship so much that he is not conscious of anything else besides.” ~ Gandhi, Ashram Observances in Action, p. 38 What Gandhi is calling “heartfelt prayer,” others might refer to as meditation. The classic definition of meditation comes from the ancient sage Patanjali,… read more
Webinar: Right Action & Social Change

Bridging Spiritual Practice, Right Action, and Social Change Join Richard Miller (founder and chairman, Integrative Restoration Institute) and Michael Nagler (founder and president, the Metta Center for Nonviolence) for a free webinar that will address the intersection of spiritual practice with nonviolence and social action. When: March 23, 2016; 4-5:30pm PST Where: Online—register for free… read more
“I ask you to give up nothing.” –Daily Metta
August 24: ”I don’t ask you to renounce any of your pet pursuits–poetry or music or literature. No, I ask you to give up nothing. All I want from you is to add to your occupation half an hour of spinning. Nobody has ever pleaded before me that he cannot spare even that half hour.”… read more
Meditation, Wisdom, and the New Story
Michael Nagler will join The Yoga Hour Online Broadcast on Thursday, July 16, at 8 am PT (10 am CT, 11 am ET) In deep meditation we perceive peace and joy through allowing our attention and awareness to rest in the expanded consciousness of our essential nature. We feel connected to all of life. This… read more
“Gandhi and the Problem of Evil”– Daily Metta
July 2: “If you feel tempted to regard anybody as evil, the odds are that the evil is within you.” –Gandhi (Harijan, April, 28, 1946) Gandhi had very few possessions: a pair of glasses, two pairs of homemade sandals for different occasions, some books, a spinning wheel, and little else. Each item has a story… read more