Unconditional Nonviolence: Mini-Retreat


Nonviolence can sometimes be a source of worry–what if it doesn’t work? as well as contention–It’s fine for some things but it just wouldn’t work in THIS situation. 
In this three hour session, we will take a deep look at nonviolence and allow ourselves to explore with curiosity and open-heartedness the nature of the limitations we place on this power taking effect in our lives and society. Where do we need healing? Where do we need greater understanding? What can we learn from the successes and “failures” of nonviolence? And what can we learn from one another? Participants will leave with practical insights, tools, and resources for their daily journey of self-discovery.


March 10, 2018
2-5 PM
$25 suggested Love Offering. 
2075 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa


Facilitated by: Michael Nagler, Founder, the Metta Center for Nonviolence
Stephanie Van Hook, Executive Director, the Metta Center for Nonviolence


Co-sponsors: Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa, and the Interfaith Council of Sonoma County

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