Educators for Nonviolence

This page is dedicated to educators who are looking for new ways of bringing nonviolence into the classroom. New material will be added at least once or twice a week, so check in often.

Nonviolence Currents: Student Bill of Rights

Nonviolence Currents – Bridging Nonviolence and Current Events in the Classroom A service of the Metta Center for Nonviolence LESSON PLAN #8 Waging Nonviolence Article: Youth mobilize around National Student Bill of Rights Author: James Cersonsky Target age group: Ages 14 & up Themes: Rights, student activism, democracy, citizenship Subject areas: Civics, Government Download a… read more

Bringing Nonviolence Back to School: Teacher Resources from the Metta Center

If you are a teacher, you are probably wondering where the summer went (they always go by so fast!) and are also in the process of finalizing your curriculum for the 2013-14 school year. As you start your lesson planning, now is a great time to think about how to integrate nonviolence into your teaching!… read more

Nonviolence Currents: Talking About Trayvon

Nonviolence Currents – Bridging Nonviolence and Current Events in the Classroom A service of the Metta Center for Nonviolence It’s summertime, and your school may not be in session, but right now, whether you are an educator or parent, you have probably been giving a lot of thought to Trayvon Martin, and your students or… read more

Nonviolence Currents: Exploring the Taksim Square Protests (Turkey)

Nonviolence Currents – Bridging Nonviolence and Current Events in the Classroom A service of the Metta Center for Nonviolence LESSON PLAN #6 PolicyMic Article: Taksim Square Protest: Turkey Isn’t Egypt Or Libya, and Occupy Gezi Isn’t the Arab Spring Themes: Democracy, Occupy & activism, International Current Events, Target age group: Ages 15 & up Subject… read more

Peace Profiles: Sojourner Truth

Nonviolence is an integral part of American history, and not only because of Martin Luther King, Jr.! Peaceful activists were quite common in early America and in the rest of the world.  Our Peace Profiles series focuses on one well known figure in History or current events who were/are deeply committed to pacifism, nonviolence, and… read more

Drawing Out Nonviolence In Our Learning Communities

Guest post by peace educator Katie Zanoni “By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man – body, mind and spirit.” –Mahatma Gandhi This summer I received a unique opportunity to attend the first annual Metta Center for Nonviolence restorative retreat entitled, the Power of Renewal. Among the… read more

Nonviolence Currents: The Power of Comics

Nonviolence Currents – Bridging Nonviolence and Current Events in the Classroom A service of the Metta Center for Nonviolence LESSON PLAN #5 Waging Nonviolence Article: Zip! Zapf! Pow! – that’s the power of comics by Nadine Bloch Themes: Activism, art, media literacy Target age group: Ages 14 & up Subject areas: Art, English Language Arts, Social Studies… read more