Gender Eyes: Looking at the Gender Factor in Building a Nonviolent Alternative

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Justice for all women–from Iraq to the U.S.

  Nonviolence in the News with Prof. Nagler and a wonderful interview with Farah Al Mousawi. Here’s someone whose story you need to hear. Farah arrived in the United States in 2008 on an exchange program to study at Dominican University of California. She didn’t ever dream of wanting to be in the States—she is… read more

Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb–January 10, 2014

Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, author of  Trail Guide to the Torah of Nonviolence and She Who Dwells Within: A Feminist Vision of Renewed Judaism, is co-coordinator of the Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish Nonviolence. As of 2014, Lynn will enter her 42nd year in rabbinic service. Lynn is a storyteller, author, and peace activist who has received several human… read more

Transforming Anger into Nonviolent Power

Anger is reasonable and justified in the face of abuse and exploitation. What matters is what we do with it. As Leymah Gbowee stood in front of a crowd of women at her church in Monrovia, praying for an end to the civil war that was raging in Liberia, she had no idea of the consequences that were about… read more

Nonviolence: Does Gender Matter?

  [from CAL PEACE POWER: VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2 2006) Nonviolence: Does Gender Matter? Carol Flinders Printable Version: Download as PDF   Click to enlarge Fannie Lou Hamer and Ella Baker oil on linen, 36” x 48” • Copyright Simmie Knox,    Thinking, as I’ve been asked to do, about women and nonviolence, I found myself wondering what… read more

Can unarmed peacekeeping work in Syria? It has in South Sudan

By Stephanie Van Hook, from Waging Nonviolence    Kenyan Nonviolent Peaceforce worker Peters Nyawanda in Sri Lanka. (Flickr/Nonviolent Peaceforce) Over the past few months there have been many discussions about alternatives to war and armed military intervention in light of the ongoing crisis in Syria. Those opposing military force have made alternative proposals that have included the… read more

Catholic Nuns and Nonviolent Action

By S. Francesca Po, Metta Strategic Advisory Council member and liaison to wisdom traditions.    Contrary to popular images, many contemporary Catholic nuns (or Sisters) no longer wear habits, live in cloisters, or slap mischievous schoolboys in the hand with a ruler.  They are among the most socially active individuals committed to social and cultural progress… read more

How Women in One Syrian City Keep Protests Alive, by Maryam Saleh

While news coverage of recent events in Syria has been largely devoted to violent clashes between security and opposition forces, a less visible story has been that of the nation’s simultaneous movements of nonviolent resistance, notably led and sustained by Syria’s women. Women in Salamia, a city in western Syria, have been involved in nonviolent… read more

Privilege, torture and non-killing by Richard Matthews

In this powerful article Richard Matthews expands our understanding and definition of torture. With this expanded foundation, he explores and describes the relationship between privilege, masculinity and torture, encouraging the reader to value a gendered analysis in proposing a “way out” of the mindset that recreates systems of domination. Read the article online at this… read more