Search Results for nonviolence in the news

Accountability Without Punishment

  How can we move beyond a paradigm of punishment? Nonviolence practitioner, mediator, and restorative justice workshop leader Joe Brummer joins Nonviolence Radio for a special show where he shares his experience as a victim of multiple hate crimes to helping people transform conflict and violence into opportunities for healing through restorative practices. (Nonviolence News Portion… read more

A Word from Volunteer Lamisa Mustafa

Dear Metta Center Friends, I first learned about the Metta Center last December, when my mentor and I were looking into UC Berkeley’s Peace & Conflict Studies program, which was of course founded by the Metta Center’s Michael Nagler. After I came across a call for volunteers on Facebook this summer, I asked if I… read more

Sumud and the Holy Land Trust – podcast

Sumud, meaning “steadfastness” or “steadfast perseverance” in Arabic, is strategy that first emerged among the Palestinian people through the experience of oppression and resistance during the 1967 Six-Day War. This week Antwan Saca joins us to speak about how Holy Land Trust and how Sumud is being used to help realize a nonviolent solution to the… read more

A Really Inconvenient Truth

Climate change is real. It is also essential. “I like storms.”  -M.K. Gandhi   Eleven days without violence. This was the stunning result after the California Institute for Women (CIW) joined in Compassion Games, a worldwide experiment in social uplift drawing from Karen Armstrong’s work with the Charter for Compassion. The CIW is not a privileged… read more

The earth is breaking…

  Once upon a time, it happened in a forest that a hare was resting under a banyan tree. He had an intuition of doom and thought, “What would happen to me if the earth will break?” Suddenly, he heard a weird striking sound. He said, “It’s happened, the earth is breaking up.”He jumped up… read more

Should I go to the Neo-Nazi rally to fight back?

Members of white-supremacist groups are met by counter-protestors in Charlottesville, VA When we hear that the Neo-Nazi movement is coming to our town, most of us naturally feel called—or pushed—to some kind of action. But not every action is going to be effective, especially if we are walking into a situation where the level of… read more

A New Story of the Economy

Real prosperity revolves around the sanctity of life. The economy is much more than a series of transactions: It’s about our relationships, who and what we think we are, and our view on the meaning of life itself. Our current global economy leaves too many of us struggling, and it is harming Earth’s ecosystems. When… read more

The Ultimate Sacrifice – Podcast

Does using nonviolence protect us from getting killed? If we die using nonviolence, what power does it have? Father Kolbe was a prisoner in Auschwitz who stood in to die for another prisoner. Learn about his act of nonviolent courage, his life, and his relevance for the nonviolent path today in this episode. Then stay for… read more

Poetry in Activism – podcast

  It’s National Poetry Month! Listen in on Nonviolence Radio as we explore ways to bridge the gap between poetry and activism. Our guest, Amy Elizabeth Robinson, is a Sonoma County mother, poet and activist who recently wrote a love poem to Kellyanne Conway.  Together with hosts Stephanie Van Hook and Michael Nagler, they discuss poetry, the… read more

Social Justice Week: Sonoma State University

Sonoma State’s Social Justice Week: April 3 – April 7 Monday, April 3rd: Social Justice Week Kick Off 11 am-1 pm: Sponsors and Organizations Tabling in the Seawolf Plaza Monday Events: Ballroom B 1:00-2:00pm: North Bay Jobs with Justice: Higher wages movement, $15 an hour minimum wage, and Unionization 2:30-3:30pm: Police Brutality Coalition: Sonoma County… read more