Search Results for nonviolence in the news

A Plea in Support of Standing Rock

This excerpted message from Mel Duncan went out to subscribers of Nonviolent Peaceforce’s newsletter (see the original). The clearance of Oceti Sakowin camp at Standing Rock is set to begin at 2:00 pm central time this afternoon. Please call North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeirer and the Army Corps of Engineers to insist… read more

A History of Sanctuary – Podcast

Our first guest this week on Peace Paradigm Radio is Wendy Chmielewski, curator of peace history at Swarthmore College’s Peace Collection. We discuss how the collection came about, why its important, and what it contains, including the section that is available online: Global Nonviolent Action Database Then we speak with Elliott Young, professor of History… read more

Faith in a Time of Shock & Sorrow

“If you lose,” the Dalai Lama once said, “don’t lose the lesson.” What is the lesson we must try to learn from this devastating election setback? First that the anger, prejudice, and self-centeredness in this country is more widespread and deeper than we wanted to imagine. Second, that in the days to come we will… read more

To Sanders’ Supporters: An Open Letter

  Dear friends, I share your frustration and your anger over the outcome of the Democratic (?) National Convention. I’ve had my share. There is a place for anger; but there is also a way to use it. Anger is power. The revolution launched by Senator Sanders has accomplished amazing results. The point is now… read more

Movement Discipline: Daily Metta

“‘If you had hurt an Englishman,’ said Jan Smuts, ‘I would have shot you, even deported your people. As it is, I would have put you in prison and tried to subdue you and your people in every way. But how long can I go on like this when you do not retaliate?’” ~ Gandhi,… read more

The Time for Silence is Over

Grasping the Reality of Nonviolence The Background: With a rainbow pin on his lapel, signifying–on that day at least–the most recent gun massacre in the United States, Congressman John Lewis made an impassioned cri de coeur before members of Congress and the people of this country: the time for silence is over. “Sometimes,” he said,… read more

Power of Acting: Daily Metta

“To have a conviction that there is violence or sin in a certain course of conduct is one thing; to have the power of acting up to such a conviction is quite another.” ~ Gandhi, Satyagraha in South Africa, p. 230 In the Bhagavad Gita the warrior prince Arjuna, representing you and me, asks Sri… read more

Tools for Person Power: Online Workshop with Maja Bengtson

Tools for Person Power is a two-part series (attend one or both) exploring two interrelated concepts about our individual and interpersonal dynamics. Join us for this interactive online workshop! When: June 7 & 14 10:30am-12:00pm PST Where: Google Hangouts (online) Cost: Sliding scale (suggested payment $25-50) Register here! Metta takes a broad spectrum approach to… read more


Altruism The dictionary defines altruism as, “the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.” Some add the criterion “at one’s own expense,” but this is problematic because altruism always has personal and social benefits: personal, because it helps to expand the “self” concept, and social, because it increases… read more

“Proof is within”–Daily Metta

November 24: “There come to us moments in life when about some things we need no proof from without.” –Gandhi (The Leader, December 25, 1916) Have you had a moment in your life where you knew you were heading in the right direction, even if around you there was chaos and confusion? My guess is… read more