Search Results for nonviolence in the news

“Taking children seriously”–Daily Metta

November 21: “From my experience of hundreds, I was going to say thousands, of children I know that they have perhaps a finer sense of honor than you and I have.” –Gandhi (Young India, November 19, 1931) How often does our media turn to hear the voices of children when violence occurs? We see their… read more

“Adel Termos’ Example”–Daily Metta

November 20: “Not to yield your soul to the conqueror means that you will refuse to do that which your conscience forbids you to do.” –Gandhi (Harijan, August 18, 1940) When Adel Termos went to the open-air market with his daughter in southern Beirut, he did not know that he would be called upon by… read more

“Father Arizmendi’s Experiment”–Daily Metta

November 9: “Those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion means.” –Gandhi (Autobiography) What does Gandhi mean when he refuses to separate religion from politics? He means that true realization, or religion, cannot remain silent for long: it requires concrete expression. Consider the life of the founder… read more

“What a smile did”–Daily Metta

November 4: “Not an ounce of nonviolent energy is ever wasted.” –Gandhi (Harijan, January 11, 1948) Mrs. Hartsough (the mother of one of my nonviolence mentors, David Hartsough) stood day after day in front of Hanford WA nuclear plant, to try to reach the conscience of those who worked there with a group of other… read more

The Socialization of the Nonviolent

I recently listened to an Invisibilia podcast called “Becoming the Batman,” in which the hosts discuss the concept that blindness is a social construction. They talk to the author of the book The Making of Blind Men, Robert Scott, who explains it simply: “The disability of blindness is a learned social role.” He goes on… read more

“Syria’s White Helmets”–Daily Metta

October 13: “Satyagraha brigades can be organized in every village and in every block of buildings in the city.” –Gandhi (Harijan, March 17, 1946) We’ve all heard of the Blue Helmets — the United Nations armed peacekeeping wing. But have you heard about the White Helmets, the unarmed peacekeeping and first responders in Syria? It… read more

Realizing Peace–Podcast

You know what is cool about Peace Paradigm Radio? We get to talk to experts in nonviolence and conflict resolution. It’s a university without walls. On the International Day of Nonviolence and Gandhiji’s birthday, Stephanie had the honor of interviewing Dr. Louis Kriesberg, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Maxwell Professor Emeritus of Social Conflict Studies, and founding… read more

“Civil Existence”–Daily Metta

September 30: “It should be obvious that civil resistance cannot flourish in an atmosphere of violence.” –Gandhi (Harijan, March 18, 1939) Civil resistance is not the full picture of nonviolence in the least. Gandhi knew this, and he maintained that people needed at times to find ways other than disobedience; for example, if you are… read more

“Never Forget, 9/11”–Daily Metta

September 11: “The Satyagrahis never used physical force, and that too although there were occasions when they were in a position to use it effectively.” –Gandhi (Satyagraha in South Africa, Chapter 13) “Never forget.” These are the words that we see  broadcast across television advertisements, billboards, and news programs across the American landscape whenever we… read more

“The language of freedom”–Daily Metta

September 2: “Is it not a sad thing that we should have to speak of Home-Rule in a foreign tongue?” –Gandhi (Hind Swaraj, Chapter 18) Gandhi did not reject multi-lingualism or even multiculturalism  (he himself was still learning Indian languages at the end); he rejected that some languages, and hence cultures, should feel superior to… read more