Tag Archives: bay area nvc

Commitment #13: Openness to Dialogue

  ———– by Miki Kashtan New to this blog? Read Miki’s Introduction to this series ‘All -in: fully committing to a life of nonviolence’  before getting started.  If you feel called, please comment on posts and engage with one another. *** Openness to Dialogue: even when I am very attached to a particular outcome, I want to… read more

Commitment #4: Responsibility

Commitment #4: Responsibility Even when overwhelmed with obstacles or difficult emotions, I want to take full responsibility for my feelings, my actions, and my life. If I find myself giving my power away to other people, larger forces, or analytic categories such as my past or any labels I put on myself, I want to… read more

Commitment #3: Risking My Significance

      Commitment #3: Risking my Significance: Even when I am full of doubt, I want to offer myself in full to the world. If I find myself thinking that I am not important or that my actions are of no significance, I want to seek support to come back to my knowledge that… read more