The Umbrella Revolution By Mercedes Mack Some historical and strategic nonviolent context of what is now called the Umbrella Revolution-Hong Kong’s demand for democracy. Outside government headquarters, a protestor raised a sign reading “Occupy Central” Brief History of Democratization Demands in Hong Kong Protests in Hong Kong have been occurring on and off since… read more
Tag Archives: constructive program
For My Nephew: A New Kind of History

In this blog-series accompanying our project of updating the Peace and Conflict Studies lectures (we call it PACS 164-c), Kimberlyn David reviews some of the key material of the course from a personal lens in an effort to generate personal reflection and the application of course content. Comment boxes are open below! * * *… read more
PACS 164-C Session 5
Topic: Gandhi and Constructive Program Resource: Names, books, films mentioned in this lecture. Video: Audio: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS… read more
The Ultimate Love Story

In this blog-series accompanying our project of updating the Peace and Conflict Studies lectures (we call it PACS 164-c), Kimberlyn David reviews some of the key material of the course from a personal lens in an effort to generate personal reflection and the application of course content. “We are only as brave as the stories… read more
Pots and Pans Clang in Chile’s Night
By Mercedes Mack “At eight o’clock that evening, however, the city came to sudden life. In one neighborhood after another, a faint metallic clanking began, rising to a crescendo as people began to beat on pots and pans… May 11 was an explosion of joy and excitement, because people were so amazed that they were… read more
Obstructive Program
Obstructive Program is the use of civil disobedience to change an unjust or oppressive social order. Obstructive program together with constructive program make up the two branches of Gandhi’s Satyagraha. This term was coined by Michael Nagler.… read more
Gandhi, Montessori and Nonviolence in Early Childhood
“The study of love and its utilization will lead us to the source from which it springs, The Child.” “Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.” –Maria Montessori “It is perfectly true, I must admit it in all humility, that however indifferently it… read more
Constructive Program-Building the Solution as Resistance
Since the age of 15 Nicholas has been particularly interested in the philosophical and spiritual aspects of principled nonviolence and Gandhian thought. He has been with the Metta since 2011 as an intern and assistant. He recently completed Metta’s summer research fellowship on constructive program by creating a self-study audio lesson, an annotated bibliography, and… read more
Spinning Wheel Birthday: An MP3 from the Metta Center
October 2nd marks Gandhi’s birthday, which he wanted to be known as “‘Spinning Wheel’ (charkha) Birthday”. In the following, short 6 minute MP3 clip, Metta Center Director Stephanie Van Hook talks with Gandhi scholar Michael Nagler. He explains why Gandhi designated his birthday in this way and explores some of the key strategic insights that… read more
The word swadeshi derives from Sanskrit and is a conjunction of two Sanskrit words. Swa means self or own and desh means country. So swadesh means own country. Swadeshi, the adjectival form, means of one’s own country, but can be loosely translated in most contexts as self-sufficiency. Like many of Gandhi’s terms, swadeshi can be… read more