Tag Archives: family

“The world as one family”–Daily Metta

March 11: “The golden way is to be friends with the world and to regard the whole human family like members of one family.” –Gandhi (Young India, 5-11-1921, p. 148) The family is often a challenging place to practice nonviolence, especially if there are standing conflicts yet unresolved. Brother and sister no longer talk; mother… read more

“Beginning with the Family”–Daily Metta

February 25: “Satyagraha is a law of universal application. Beginning with the family, its use can be extended to every other circle.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 3-31-1946)   Satyagraha in the family? You better believe it! The more we learn the skills of resisting those closest to us when we are called to do so, the stronger… read more