Tag Archives: mettacenter

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-01

Want major inspiration? Come listen to Narayan Desai talk about living with Gandhi on April 12… … http://t.co/eLRZqHus # http://t.co/zer2bWNw http://t.co/y4JMWyKu # http://t.co/lM2iqWE4 http://t.co/QFYFm0B7 # I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/mR6SVP7o #… read more

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-25

http://t.co/tJWBg1su http://t.co/TIxJBFRY # http://t.co/7w9xH9Xq Please consider… http://t.co/Z8rOzk48 # I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/DPqDgJHv # I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/wtTEBHHp # jawdat and afra http://t.co/E7PCQox2 # with jawdat said, afra jalabi and bsher said. after a wonderful talk by jawdat, the volunteers and metta pose… http://t.co/AyCubser # Metta Volunteers! http://t.co/wiP4SbVX… read more