Tag Archives: peace

Short video on the ‘nonviolence’ in Nonviolent Communication

The Metta Center is not an organization that teaches Nonviolent Communication in workshops, but we work from the same worldview. Here is founder of Nonviolent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg, describing, in his words, this worldview.  … read more

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-29

http://t.co/JEpMyZ4T http://t.co/Ar7XFojJ # World peace through nonviolent means is neither absurd nor unattainable. All other methods have failed. Martin Luther King Jr. # Attention all Bay Area educators! Metta is holding a one day teachers' retreat THIS Saturday, July 28 in… http://t.co/SKndkdDl # http://t.co/rgZSgLfY http://t.co/3dzZGfQQ # http://t.co/D7PSRPev One of the Metta Team-member's favorite songs (thanks…… read more