Tag Archives: stephanie van hook

Practical Idealism: Daily Metta

“I am not a visionary. I claim to be a practical idealist.” ~ Gandhi, Young India, August 21, 1920 Idealism is a beautiful state of mind, a vision of possibility of what could be. But it can be naive and even destructive if it is not coupled with the means for putting it into practice.… read more

Renunciation: Daily Metta

“If even one nation were unconditionally to perform the supreme act of renunciation, many of us would see in our lifetime visible peace established on earth.” ~ Gandhi, Harijan, Harijan, May 16, 1936 Instead of vying for who can have the most access to the finite resources of our planet, I couldn’t imagine a more… read more

Demonstrating Innocence: Daily Metta

“A Satyagrahi  goes to prison, not to embarrass the authorities but to convert them by demonstrating to them his innocence.” ~ Gandhi, Harijan, November 5, 1938 “Jail, not bail,” was the cry of the student protesters during the Greensboro lunch counter sit-ins. It represents a turning point in any movement: a willingness of one or… read more

Listening: Daily Metta

“Their partiality for their own standpoint came in the way of their giving due weight to the arguments of their opponents.” ~ Gandhi, Ashram Observances, p. 100 Can we be nonviolent without listening to our opponents? We should try to hear their side. Such an attitude is our duty, and in nonviolence, we should strive… read more

True Learning: Daily Metta

“Nothing should be taught to children by force.” ~ Gandhi, Ashram Observances, p. 102 The use of force in education—physical, emotional or spiritual—only shows the lack of skill and the lack of consciousness of the teacher. Neither child nor adult learns to respect someone by being forced to do so. No outside compulsion awakens the… read more

Need, Not Greed: Daily Metta

“Religion is never opposed to economics, but is always ranged against profits.” ~ Gandhi, Ashram Observances, p. 97 This is a foundational concept in Gandhi’s system of economics: to serve need, not greed. Such a focus allows for a system to take care of everyone. Gandhi goes so far as to maintain that whatever excess… read more

Nourishment: Daily Metta

“Food must therefore be taken as medicine, under proper restraint.” ~ Gandhi, Ashram Observances, p. 112 Gandhi was firm that food should be prepared to strengthen the body and mind for service, and it should not be taken for self-indulgence. There is already research that can show the connection between sugar intake and one’s ability… read more

Leadership: Daily Metta

“Let no one say that he is a follower of Gandhi. (…) You are no followers but fellow-students, fellow-pilgrims, fellow-seekers, fellow workers.” ~ Gandhi, Harijan, March 2, 1940 Leadership does not need to mean authoritarianism. Discipline does not require hierarchy. Often, it is when leadership and self/group discipline are lacking that a vacuum is created… read more

Part of the Whole: Daily Metta

“This earthly existence of ours is more brittle than the glass bangles that ladies wear.” ~ Gandhi, Harijan, February 2, 1934 When Death comes to take us, we return our bodies as dust to this beautiful earth. Nonviolence requires that we keep this in the back of our minds as we move throughout the day,… read more

Service State of Mind: Daily Metta

“Service and not bread becomes with us the staff of life. We eat and drink, sleep and wake for service alone. Such an attitude of mind brings us real happiness.” ~ Gandhi, from Yeravda Mandir, p. 4 Gandhi is turning the propaganda wing of militarism, the commercial mass media, on its head by emphasizing that… read more