Tag Archives: swaraj

“We need to do this ourselves”–Daily Metta

July 24: “I have not conceived of my mission to be that of a knight-errant wandering everywhere to help people out of difficult situations.” –Gandhi (Harijan, June 28, 1942) Nonviolence has little or nothing to do with other people solving our problems for us. It is about learning to address them on our own. A… read more


Swaraj is an ancient Sanskrit term, composed of the particle swa (or sva), which means self, or one’s own, and raj, which means rule. Swaraj then is self-rule or self-restraint.  It is the basis for human liberation from the influence of outward control over the mind, as well as the starting point for nonviolent coexistence… read more


Wikipedia defines permaculture as “an approach to designing human settlements and agricultural systems that mimic the relationships found in natural ecologies.” It is in this sense a special biomimicry ― a human designed ecological system based in a model of natural synergy, where harmony is maintained between the production of food, stewardship of the natural… read more


The word swadeshi derives from Sanskrit and is a conjunction of two Sanskrit words. Swa means self or own and desh means country. So swadesh means own country. Swadeshi, the adjectival form, means of one’s own country, but can be loosely translated in most contexts as self-sufficiency. Like many of Gandhi’s terms, swadeshi can be… read more

Principled Nonviolence

Principled nonviolence is not merely a strategy nor the recourse of the weak, it is a positive force that does not manifest its full potential until it is adopted on principle. Often its practitioners feel that it expresses something fundamental about human nature, and who they wish to become as individuals.  (See strategic nonviolence.) To adopt… read more