Posts by Erika

Gandhian economics

Gandhian economics if a term coined by J. C. Kumarappa for Gandhi’s approach to meeting material human needs. It is used as an umbrella term for the following related concepts in Gandhian thought. Namely these principles are: An economy based on needs rather than wants Swadeshi (in the economic sense, localism and material self-sufficiency at… read more

Perpetration Induced Traumatic Stress (PITS)

Perpetration Induced Traumatic Stress (PITS) is a term coined by peace psychologist Rachel MacNair.  It describes incidents of post traumatic stress disorder resulting from the trauma of having committing a violent act oneself, as contrasted with trauma caused by witnessing or being the recipient of a violent act. The fact that human beings experience psychological… read more

Milgram studies

The Milgram studies were a series of psychological studies conducted by Stanley Milgram beginning in the 1950′s to determine the influence of authority on people’s willingness to commit acts that harm another human being. Researchers were particularly interested in how ordinary people were led to commit atrocities in the authoritarian Nazi regime as a result… read more

Unity in Diversity

Unity in diversity refers to the idea that rather than uniformity, diversity is a unifying principle. Diversity is essentially the underlying principle of life, and the shift towards biology as a prevailing scientific discipline is leading to an increased appreciation of diversity as a necessary measure of the health, vibrance, and success. This is in… read more

paradigm shift

“Paradigm shift” is a term coined by Thomas Kuhn in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) to describe how a prevailing paradigm (set of unconscious assumptions that guide our thinking about reality or model) breaks down and is replaced by an emerging paradigm.  The term quickly spread beyond the history of science. Paradigm… read more


Meditation is the method of training the mind.  The classical definition of meditation, dating to the time of the Buddha, is “the obstruction of thought waves in the mind.” According to this definition, written by the sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras, a “thought wave” is any mental event: not only a linguistic thought, but… read more

Question: Hello I am in search of a K-8 non-violence/diversity education curriculum that can be incorporated into my school district.  Can you recommend anything, or do you know of any organizations that offer grants to schools that want to incorporate this kind of curriculum?  Any information you have would be appreciated. thank you Christine Answer:… read more