Tag Archives: bread labor

Motivated by Justice: Daily Metta

“The corresponding duty is to labor with my limbs and the corresponding remedy is to non-cooperate with him who deprives me of the fruit of my labor.” ~ Gandhi, Young India, March 26, 1931, p. 49 Here Gandhi elaborates on his theory of rights and duties. A right, he says, comes with not only a… read more

“Novelty in New Education”–Daily Metta

September 6: “I admit that my proposal is novel. But novelty is no crime.” –Gandhi (Harijan, September 18, 1937) A controversial element in Gandhi’s vision for primary education was that it should be self-supporting. Students, as they learn a craft, should be able to earn the funds necessary to cover the costs of schooling, instead… read more

“Duty of Bread Labor”–Daily Metta

April 5: “Return to the villages means a definite, voluntary recognition of the duty of bread labor, and all it connotes.” –Gandhi (Mind of Mahatma Gandhi, p. 201) Freedom, for Gandhi, always begins with basic needs. When we let  our ability to meet our needs in community atrophy, we make ourselves vulnerable to those who… read more

“Ending Class Consciousness”–Daily Metta

January 20 “The practice of law ought not to mean taking more daily than, say, a village carpenter’s wage.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 7-13-1940) Did thinking alone ever cook a meal? While both have their place in the healthy functioning of a culture, society teaches us that some work is “naturally” more important and more valuable than… read more

Gandhian economics

Gandhian economics if a term coined by J. C. Kumarappa for Gandhi’s approach to meeting material human needs. It is used as an umbrella term for the following related concepts in Gandhian thought. Namely these principles are: An economy based on needs rather than wants Swadeshi (in the economic sense, localism and material self-sufficiency at… read more