Tag Archives: simplicity

“What is necessary?”–Daily Metta

April 1: “A Swadeshist will learn to do without hundreds of things which today he considers necessary.” —Gandhi (Selected Writings pp. 336-44)   Many people still feel that localism, or swadeshi, is a far-fetched, unrealistic notion. Certainly, it is not without its complexities, but it is not beyond us to strive toward it regularly, even… read more

The “Real Wheel”

That man came back from South Africa, having realized God, and quietly set about solving every problem in the modern world. When Michael Nagler heard this quiet, dramatic statement by his meditation teacher, Sri Eknath Easwaran of the Blue Mt. Center of Meditation, it changed his life. These two pictures are an attempt to illustrate… read more

Gandhian economics

Gandhian economics if a term coined by J. C. Kumarappa for Gandhi’s approach to meeting material human needs. It is used as an umbrella term for the following related concepts in Gandhian thought. Namely these principles are: An economy based on needs rather than wants Swadeshi (in the economic sense, localism and material self-sufficiency at… read more