We promote the power of nonviolence worldwide across the airwaves. Tune in.… read more
We promote the power of nonviolence worldwide across the airwaves. Tune in.… read more
Yoga is more than poses we do with our bodies to stretch. It’s more than expensive studio memberships and yoga gear. It is, as described in the classical Hindu text, The Bhagavad Gita, “skill in action,” a path to recognizing our deep interconnectedness and healing our divides. Listen to insights from Michelle C. Johnson on… read more
Were you part of a climate action? Daniel Hunter wrote a manual on climate resistance for 350.org to help strategize for what's next.… read more
It's nuclear disarmament week, so we ask: Do nuclear weapons make us safe, and should we care about them? We hear from Anna Ikeda from the Office for UN Affairs of Soka Gakkai International.… read more
We all have unconscious bias and we all have work to do to become aware of, and unlearn it. It’s a life-long effort, and like any effort in nonviolence, it can be done with strategy and an open-heart toward the people involved. For over 21 years, feminist activist and scholar Sally Eck has been leading… read more
How did you find the Metta Center for Nonviolence, and what inspires you about our work? I heard about the Metta Center through East Point Peace Academy in Spring 2018. Kazu Haga, its founder, advertised the Center’s 6-month online course to certified Kingian nonviolent conflict resolution students, and I jumped on the opportunity to learn… read more
The heart’s earnest and pure desire is always fulfilled. Activities for Month Twelve (Print Version Here) Here’s a list of the activities for the month. Find descriptions below. Journal Family Meeting Gandhi Searches for Truth, Reading and Discussion (for whole family) Reading and Discussion (for older teens and adults) Mealtime Activity Wisdom Tradition… read more
My goal is friendship with the world and I can combine the greatest love with the greatest opposition to wrong. Activities for Month Eleven (Print Version Here) Here’s a list of the activities for the month. Find descriptions below. Journal Family Meeting Gandhi Searches for Truth, Reading and Discussion (for whole family) Reading… read more
My life is an indivisible whole, and all my activities run into one another; and they all have their rise in my insatiable love of humanity. Activities for Month Nine (Print Version Here) Here’s a list of the activities for the month. Find descriptions below. Journal Family Meeting Gandhi Searches for Truth, Reading… read more
I have learned through bitter experience the one supreme lesson to conserve my anger; and as heat conserved is transmuted into energy, so our anger controlled can be transmuted into a power that can move the world. Activities for Month Eight (Print Version Here) Here’s a list of the activities for the month. Find… read more