At a Washington meeting some years back Rep. Jim Moran of VA said to a group of us who had come to discuss Mideast policy, “All foreign policy is domestic politics.” The recently announced ‘surge’ of 30,000 additional troops for Afghanistan was designed to placate political pressures on the President, which, even if it were possible, is not the right way to formulate a policy. What would be?
Shortly after 9/11 we got a letter from a friend of ours who was in western Pakistan helping Greg Mortenson, of Three Cups of Tea fame, build schools. People from the village streamed in to express their condolences, and the local mullah came hastily back from a long trip to assure my friend that ‘this is not Islam.’ I remember commenting during a lecture shortly thereafter that the people in that part of the world seem to resemble human beings: if you build schools for them, they like and respect you; if you bomb their schools and homes with drone rockets…well, you take it from there.
I have friends who advocate pulling our combat forces out of the region, period; but while I completely understand their feelings there seem to me to be two things against that policy. It would send a message that the United States is capable of doing great harm but not capable of doing good, which is not true as I will be outlining in a moment. Second, if we go about it in the right way we can help repair the damage we’ve been partly responsible for causing and help that country find its way to a stable solution, and if we can, we should. I am not arguing from guilt here: I follow the moral reasoning laid out by Roger Fisher of the Harvard Negotiation project some years ago (and many others down the years, of course), that the obligation to help others arises not from any prior harm we may have done them but simply because we have the capacity to do so. We are human beings, after all – do we need special reasons to help others when we have the capacity to do so?
What can we as a nation do, then, to help Afghanistan instead of following this mad policy of throwing gasoline on the fire? Fortunately, there are many ways – as long as we know where to look. There are methods that have worked around the world, though the mainstream media are remarkably slow to notice them and hence they remain off the margins of public awareness, including the awareness, to all appearances, of policymakers. The mechanisms I’m about to list (and I’m sure there are others) assume that we completely halt aggressive military action in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and start a steady build-down of military forces there. Ideally, we would phase military forces out as we phase the following non-military alternatives in that render them unnecessary. And there are two ground rules, both gained by much practical experience in non-military intervention over the last thirty or so years: 1) Don’t go it alone. This is not America’s problem, it’s the world’s problem, and the world’s people must be involved in solving it. Virtually all the successful intervention teams of the type I’m about to mention have been multinational. 2) Don’t do it uninvited. The term “peace imperialism” has been coined in the field of peace studies for the idea that we can parachute in and bring peace somewhere without local invitation and cooperation. Afghanistan today is not a unified country. If the Karzai government is unwilling to issue an invitation to civil-society groups to come and help them elements within Afghan society would most certainly do so. Here, then, is the scheme:
- Rebuild Afghanistan through micro-lending. It’s much harder for corrupt warlords, or politicians, to make off with small, dispersed loans than highly concentrated, government-to-government ones. As Rebecca Griffin, of Peace Action West has recently put it, “Right now in Afghanistan, military officers walk around with pocket money to throw at poorly developed aid projects because we don’t have enough trained civilians to do the work. Contractors are pocketing millions of dollars through fraud and waste. It’s time to stop paying lip service to development while bombing communities.” Micro-lending is working very well all over the world.
- Offer two kinds of peace-building services: 1) the intervention of trained nonviolent civilian teams such as are in the field today in Sri Lanka, Mindinao, Colombia, Southern Sudan, and a dozen or so other places thanks to organizations like the Nonviolent Peaceforce, Peace Brigades International, the German Civilian Peace Service (Zivile Friedensdienst). 2) Mediation groups, again civil society, like Johan Galtung’s TRANSCEND or the Washington-based Search for Common Ground. Like everything else I will be listing here, these organizations have inspiring track records of success.
- Offer to send teachers, agricultural experts, carpenters, medical personnel and whatever Afghans say they need. There are thousands of volunteers ready to go in all of these fields: only make sure they get some training in cultural sensitivity, and make sure they understand that they are going where no one can guarantee their safety. By and large, aid workers are much safer than soldiers, but in these violent times they are not safe completely and it will be crucial that the volunteers understand this.
Who will pay for all this? We will. A soldier costs a million dollars a year; a highly trained field team member from Nonviolent Peaceforce costs $50,000. (Not to mention that the unarmed civilian type of intervention actually works).
Advocates of force often throw up their hands and say, ‘we have no choice.’ But we always have a choice. If we paid poor farmers in Colombia so that they did not have to grow Coca to survive, they doubtless would – but instead we pay twenty times more to eradicate their crops (and cause much additional damage). The cost for each year that we maintain one soldier in Afghanistan is twenty times greater than the cost of building a school. And, as mentioned, twenty times greater than the cost of a trained civilian unarmed peacekeeper.
Why don’t we stop paying for death?
Thank you very much for some of these constructive alternatives. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the American Bar Association sent lawyers and judges to train their Eastern European counterparts. The effort was very successful. Groups like Mercy Corps, Central Asia Institute, Afghani Institute of Learning, and Afghans4Tomorrow (an NGO I serve on the board of), and teacher training efforts like those run jointly between UMass Amherst, USAID, and the Afghanistan Ministry of Higher Ed all try in a small way to train professionals in medicine, law, and education. These civil servants and helping professionals will be key to the security of Afghan society in the long run. Would be interested to hear of any US governmental or NON Governmental efforts to train court and legal officials, medical professionals, and teachers in Afghanistan. The Rev. Chloe Breyer, Director, The Interfaith Center of New York
Dear Rev. Breyer,
Thank you for your informative comment. Mairead Maguire of the Irish Peace People is preparing curricula for Afghani schools, but that’s about the only thing I know of in the areas you mention.
Best wishes,
Michael Nagler
I like very much the article and the intention of it.
The part on “microlending” requires a serious edit, though. As it reads it is false, and many people in poor countries can provide testimonial. This is why:
“Buy if you are forced to, but never sell. Rent from if you are forced to, but never rent to. The alternative to the totalitarianism of corporate capitalism death machine -big business- is not small business (that’s the same old thing only less of it), is NO business. Do your thing, like a bee finding nectar, and give it away with no strings attached to the colony, I mean, to the community ;-)”
What the Earth Community needs is redistribution of real wealth (social, spiritual and natural capital), not loans of phantom wealth.
To go even a step further, we have the great latest news: over many decades, Elinor Ostrom has documented how various communities manage common resources — grazing lands, forests, irrigation waters, fisheries — equitably and sustainably over the long term. The Nobel Committee’s recognition of her work effectively debunks popular theories about the so called “Tragedy of the Commons”, which hold that private property is the only effective method to prevent finite resources from being ruined or depleted.
“What we have ignored is what citizens can do and the importance of real involvement.” — Elinor Ostrom
And here is another perspective:
Compound interest grows money exponentially, similar to how cancer cells multiply. So long as we have a debt-based, interest-bearing, centralized money supply, our money will grow like cancer. By the very nature of this system, the top 10% of money holder are net recipients of the interest on money (which is built into the price of all goods and services) at the expense of bottom 90%. The function of interest on a practical level is the repeated creation of asset bubbles that must continually burst, each time consolidating wealth to a smaller fraction of top money holders. As the monetary supply grows, the frequency of asset bubbles increases until the entire system collapses because of the widespread instability it creates. In late 2005, the Federal Reserve stopped reporting M3– the total money supply– probably because the number had become so astronomically high that it was increasingly difficult– mathematically and politically– to report.
It is the very design of our monetary system that has impoverished the majority of the planet, leading to scarcity, wars, and ecological destruction. So this system of bringing the non-moneyed class back into the monetary system and extracting interest from them aka “microfinance” cannot and will not succeed in poverty alleviation.
Today we have educated our economists beyond their capacity to think. Anyone who understands compound interest understands that the subtle but persistent power of interest results in the need for infinite growth which is completely impossible with finite material resources.
Yunus (and his “microlending”) got a Nobel because he gave the rich momentary hope that our monetary system was not fatally flawed– that it was not the cause of the poverty in the world as so many had begun to feel, but that this system could be used to solve poverty. It cannot… but Nobel prizes can’t be rescinded 😉
May all become compassionate courageous and wise.
In service + solidarity + insurgent learning,
Planetizing the Movement of the Ahimsa (R)evolution from some corner of our round borderless country…
Worse than Carter.
I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I don’t know who you are but definitely you’re going to a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers!