by Michael Nagler and Mercedes Mack The film “Selma,” portraying the historic march for voting rights from Selma to Montgomery, AL in 1965, is a gut-wrenching experience that brings the viewer into the vehemence of the prejudice and the stunning courage of its resistors in this intense critical moment in the history of racism in… read more
Film Reviews
Sophie Scholl-The Final Days
Sophie Scholl-The Final Days constructs the events of the White Rose movement through the arrest, interrogation and eventual execution of Sophie Scholl (Julie Jentsh), Hans Scholl (Fabian Hinrichs) and Christoph Probst (Florian Stetter). The audio is in German with subtitle options and is a heart wrencher — tissues recommended! 2005, Directed by Marc Rothemund… read more
The Great Debaters
By: Mercedes Mack “Who is the judge?” “The judge is God.” “Why is He God?” “Because He decides who wins or loses. Not my opponent.” “Who is your opponent?” “He does not exist.” “Why does he not exist?” “Because he is a mere dissenting voice of the truth I speak!” c. 2007, Directed by… read more
For My Nephew: A New Kind of History

In this blog-series accompanying our project of updating the Peace and Conflict Studies lectures (we call it PACS 164-c), Kimberlyn David reviews some of the key material of the course from a personal lens in an effort to generate personal reflection and the application of course content. Comment boxes are open below! * * *… read more
I Am–Are You?
By Michael N. Nagler Film reviews have been rare in these pages, but we feel that the new film by Tom Shadyac, I Am, is extremely worth seeing. It is a real breakthrough in progress toward a new paradigm and nonviolent future in that it integrates nonviolence skillfully into the “Great Turning,” or overall paradigm… read more
Movie Review: Lage Raho Munna Bhai
You will not often find us reviewing Bollywood films on this site, but Lage Raho (roughly, ‘keep on truckin’ Munna buddy) is something of a cultural phenomenon that may even — dare we say it — move the ‘wheel of the Dharma’ just a tink further toward a nonviolent future. Let me explain. While it… read more