May 5, 2013
Time: 10-12 pm
Where: Lydia’s Organics Sunflower Center, Petaluma
Contemporary scientific research increasingly points to the interconnected nature of the universe, and highlights the power of conscious thought and action to interact with this universe. The wisdom traditions have honored the sacred unity of life for millennia, exemplified by their emphasis on love, compassion, and faith, and applied for societal change through nonviolent action. In this interactive workshop, we will explore the power of nonviolence in an integral world and how it can be described in the context of a new scientific paradigm characterized by empowered co-creation through presentation and praxis, movement and meditation, storytelling and song, prayer and poetry.
Facilitator: Kari Risher, Metta Center Science Research Fellow
Please consider bringing conversation to the following vision.
‘We do planets.’
Educating the global attention on adversarial stories has produced a global addiction to blame, the deadliest and most addictive of all drugs—and has produced global insanity. We will now reeducate the global attention on a non-adversarial model.
The Mideast is the fulcrum for world peace. Giving no attention to Israel’s control of Palestinian water, we begin with a greening of Palestine. Appealing to those involved in the wounding, keeps us from the healing, so we won’t speak to the unlawful occupation. Appealing instead to global ingenuity to find Earth-friendly technologies for desalinating water, we will bring new light and new water to the region. IPPI’s mission to the Earth begins by choreographing this drama. A timid inquiry will disable our mission. Be bold with your question. Meeting privately and with groups. Please consider the following hand signs. Call. Let’s talk.
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Hands folded with the two pinkies pointing upward to form a steeple means ‘pause’. It means you need a quiet moment or two to process something.
Hands folded with the two index fingers pointing upward to form a steeple means ‘inner stirring’. It means something is stirring inside of you that has no emotional charge attached to it.
Hands folded with the two index and middle fingers pointing upward (‘urgent inner stirring’) means the stirring involves an emotional charge (exciting or disturbing). The three middle fingers pointing upward means ‘distress’. The two index fingers crossed means a wound has been triggered.
Hands folded means retreat. Your attention is not or is no longer available.
Palms pressed with all fingers extended and pointing toward someone is ‘the inviting’. It gives attention to someone. It gives the moment away. Maybe you
sense something astir in someone. Palms pressed, fingers pointing upward means ‘presence’. Your attention is available or your attention to what is going on is clear and present.
Michael Bridge
cell: 707-540-1289