A Cuppa Tea and Fundraiser in San Rafael, September 21 (International Day of Peace)

A Generosi-Tea party and fun(d)raiser to celebrate nonviolence in our world and what we can all do to be the change.


~Some additional information~ 

Metta’s Mission: 

Our mission is to promote the transition to a nonviolent future by making the logic, history, and yet-unexplored potential of nonviolence more accessible to activists and agents of cultural change (which ultimately includes all of us).  We focus on root causes (sometimes called “upstream” causes) to help people in any walk of life discover their innate capacity for nonviolence and use it more strategically for long-term transformation of themselves and the world.  We work to challenge and replace the prevailing worldview with a much higher image of humanity informed by nonviolence and its implications for the meaning of life and value of the person.


To learn more about the Roadmap project, visit this link.


To learn more about our host, Jonathan, visit this link to find an article about why he drove in the carpool lane with his corporation’s papers in the passenger seat and challenged his ticket in court (since Citizens United maintains that a corporation is a person…).


RSVP to stephanie@mettacenter.org


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