Gender Eyes: Looking at the Gender Factor in Building a Nonviolent Alternative

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Statement to CSW 57 on Military Violence against Women

Violence against Women is Integral to War and Armed Conflict – The Urgent Necessity of the Universal Implementation of UNSCR 1325 A Statement on Military Violence against Women addressed to the 57th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, March 4-15, 2013   Please note this statement is managed by and… read more

Peace Paradigm Radio, August 9: Transforming Feminist Practice

In this show, Stephanie  talks with Dr. Leela Fernandes about some of the themes in her provocative book, Transforming Feminist Practice: Nonviolence, Social Justice and the Possibilities of a Spiritualized Feminism. In her book Dr. Fernandes calls social justice movements, “sacred endeavors,” and offers a thoughtful and thought-provoking exploration of the promise of a spiritualized view… read more

Book Review: The Gender Imperative-Human Security Vs. State Security by Reardon and Hans

By Carolyn Klaasen The Gender Imperative: Human Security Vs State Security By Betty A. Reardon, Asha Hans Routledge India (2010). Hardcover, 472 pages. ISBN 9780415585774.   The great irony of the state security framework, according to the contributors of The Gender Imperative, is that it is the cause of so much global insecurity, especially among women. As someone… read more

Peace Profiles: Sojourner Truth

Nonviolence is an integral part of American history, and not only because of Martin Luther King, Jr.! Peaceful activists were quite common in early America and in the rest of the world.  Our Peace Profiles series focuses on one well known figure in History or current events who were/are deeply committed to pacifism, nonviolence, and… read more

Feminist Spiritual Politics: Getting Personal About Gun Control

The personal is the political, has always struck me as incomplete. It was Teilhard de Chardin who first said “we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” The ‘personal is the political’ assumes an incomplete worldview, a cosmology of separation where the individual is forced to turn… read more

From Misogyny to Murder: A Feminist Perspective on the Connecticut Shootings

By Stephanie Van Hook (syndicated through PeaceVoice)  *** When reading about the murders in Newtown, Connecticut on Friday, one point in particular stood out to me as a woman: Adam Lanza killed his mother.  This point reveals something essential about the nature of all violence and gives a clue as to why these horrific events take… read more

Taking Women’s Lives Seriously: An Interview with Cynthia Enloe

Originally published at Waging Nonviolence on September 13, 2012 By Stephanie Van Hook Curiosity, arguably, is the antidote to the passivity in politics. When we question the assumptions of candidates’ platforms, especially with regard to women, and when we learn from movements that take women seriously, we stand to awaken something more active and empowered… read more

Waging Feminism: the other side of nonviolent struggle

Edited by Waging Nonviolence and posted on June 11, 2012 here. May 17 marked Women Occupying Wall Street’s (WOW) First Feminist General Assembly in New York, along with similar assemblies in Chicago and other Occupy sites nationwide. It also happened to be my 30th birthday. Everyone knows that when you pass to a new decade,… read more