Search Results for nonviolence in the news

Resources by Discipline

Start here: Below are some articles to dive into Library: Click here to access all the articles in the database Here are some of the most important findings from: Physics The incredible discovery of quantum reality, now about a century old, revealed to physicists that the “objective, material world” underpinning what is now called “classical… read more

“Gandhi on Independence Day”–Daily Metta

August 15: “In concrete terms, the independence should be political, economic and moral.” –Gandhi (Harijan, May 5, 1946) When the flag was raised on a free India on August 15, 1947, Mahatma Gandhi was not a part of the celebrations and he did not want to be. In many ways, the “victory” to him was… read more

At Home in the New Story

Stories about change can be even more powerful when they work from metaphors, which engage our senses, enliven the imagination and move us with already-tangible understandings. So I like to think of the “new story” as a home.… read more

“Gandhi and the Atom Bomb”–Daily Metta

August 6: “Has not the atom bomb proved the futility of all violence?” —Gandhi (Harijan, March 10, 1946) It’s an amazing contrast that the 20th century witnessed moments where nonviolence soared to giddying heights and violence brought us down to unfathomed lows. When Gandhi heard the news that the United States had used the atomic… read more

“No easy task”–Daily Metta

August 1: “It is no easy task to restrain the fury of a people  incensed by a deep sense of wrong.” –Gandhi (Young India, May 5, 1920) At the beginning of the Indian Freedom Struggle, when people wrote and spoke against participating in non-cooperation, Gandhi told them to “get out of their chairs” and actually… read more

The Ethics of Nonviolent Action

Events in recent years such as the Arab Spring, Occupy movements and “Umbrella Revolution” in Hong Kong, have contributed to highlighting various ways in which people form movements to bring about political and social changes they desire, despite the oppression they face from their own governments. Images of repression and violence, like the ones of… read more

Emergence: The Relaunch Issue is Here

“Reaching for the stars is ambitious. Reaching for hearts is wise.” ~ Maya Angelou As the editor and creative director of Emergence, Metta Center’s bi-annual review of nonviolence movements and culture, I’m in a very lucky position: I collaborate with writers and artists whose work reaches for our hearts. How grateful I am for their… read more

Pope Francis: Encyclical & the Media

In his first—and much talked-about—encyclical that goes beyond a Catholic audience, Pope Francis calls on humans to cherish the Earth, “our common home”: The urgent challenge to protect our common home includes a concern to bring the whole human family together to seek a sustainable and integral development, for we know that things can change.… read more

Russell Brand & Alay Dangal: Love the Police

In the video below, British comedian and activist Russell Brand talks about attending the Anti-Austerity march in London, which he saw as a “display” of people creating positive culture together. Then, most interestingly, Brand calls for people to protest on behalf of the police, noting how police are caught up in the same repressive system… read more

Happiness: A Story of Us

Happiness: it’s what we all want. And contrary to the messages advertisers want us to believe, we cannot buy it. So how do we find happiness? We can start by looking at the way society is currently structured. Do our systems help all of us meet our human needs? Do they foster our sense of… read more