Search Results for nonviolence in the news

“Rebel against unworthy restraints”–Daily Metta

March 9: “I advise women to resort to civil rebellion against all undesirable and unworthy restraints.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 3-23-1947 p. 80) In India (as well as in all other places where Indians live) the celebration of Holi announces the arrival of springtime. Rose petals, marigolds, multi-hued powders and water-balloons are tossed in the air, signifying… read more

“The failure of terrorism”–Daily Metta

February 23 “We have instances in history where terrorism has failed to impose the terrorist’s will upon his victim.” –Gandhi (Young India, 6-9-1920, p. 3) (Pictured: Malala Yousafzai) Even with the extreme provocation of terrorist violence we are not compelled to absorb and respond back with violence ourselves. The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in… read more

Apply for a Fellowship

Fellowships are generally offered to those who have completed our Certificate in Nonviolence Studies or who are deeply familiar with our programs and resources. Many fellows apply to work on specific Metta Center projects. While we are open to new ideas, we would love to find a fellow with a scientific background who can help… read more

Journalists Toolkit

On the Beat: Resources for Journalists & Media Producers for Reporting on Nonviolence We understand how challenging it can be to get constructive, solutions-based stories out there. The following resources are by no means exhaustive. We’ll refresh this page as we learn about new possibilities. We hope you find these options helpful and inspiring.  … read more

Sitting with Luna

Today is the 15 year anniversary of the end of Julia Butterfly Hill’s nonviolent campaign to protect the Redwood trees of Humboldt County California from extensive logging. The town of Stafford in Humboldt California was a primary lumber producing town in northern California from 1885 to 1985. In 1996, Pacific Lumber Company (PLC) initiated a… read more

People’s State of the Union

We, the People, Must Tell Our Stories Once a year, the U.S. president delivers the State of the Union address to highlight important  national issues from the past year and suggest priorities for the year to come. It’s a broadcast from one to many. But what if, once a year, we could all speak and… read more

Ferguson Statement- Shanti Sena Network

Response to Ferguson from the Shanti Sena Network: Whether or not you believe that Darren Wilson is guilty, no one can deny that trust in the American police force is really low. This trust is especially low in communities of color and low income communities.  A list of demands from Ferguson protestors included: a plan… read more

Ahimsa Center Conference 2014

I recently had the opportunity to attend the Ahimsa Center biannual conference on nonviolence at California Polytechnic University Pomona, and in this blog post I would like to share with you a round-up of the conference presentations and a little about my own experience, takeaways, reflections and lingering questions. -Stephanie Knox Cubbon, Metta’s Director of Education… read more

Not Just Umbrellas

The Umbrella Revolution By Mercedes Mack Some historical and strategic nonviolent context of what is now called the Umbrella Revolution-Hong Kong’s demand for democracy.   Outside government headquarters, a protestor raised a sign reading “Occupy Central” Brief History of Democratization Demands in Hong Kong Protests in Hong Kong have been occurring on and off since… read more

The Ultimate Love Story

Illustration of human goodness

In this blog-series accompanying our project of updating the Peace and Conflict Studies lectures (we call it PACS 164-c), Kimberlyn David reviews some of the key material of the course from a personal lens in an effort to generate personal reflection and the application of course content. “We are only as brave as the stories… read more