Search Results for nonviolence in the news

Coming Together in Mass Nonviolent Protest

 Post NYC Climate March, the effects of symbolic movement and what happens next. by Mercedes Mack About 400,000 people marched in the largest Climate March in history on Sunday September 21, 2014 in New York and other locations around the world, in a collective call to action as world leaders converged for the UN Climate… read more


We’ve put together just some of our key resources and calls-to-action for you to explore on your own! When you are ready for support for any of this material, please be in touch. Enjoy your exploration! Find us on Social Media: Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter , Instagram The work of the Metta Center is to help people practice nonviolence more… read more

Pots and Pans Clang in Chile’s Night

By Mercedes Mack “At eight o’clock that evening, however, the city came to sudden life. In one neighborhood after another, a faint metallic clanking began, rising to a crescendo as people began to beat on pots and pans… May 11 was an explosion of joy and excitement, because people were so amazed that they were… read more

What kind of growth?

In this blog-series accompanying our project of updating the Peace and Conflict Studies lectures (we call it PACS 164-c), Kimberlyn David reviews some of the key material of the course from a personal lens in an effort to generate personal reflection and the application of course content. There’s growth that increases stock prices, fosters consumerism,… read more

Why Being Human Matters, for the People of Gaza and the World

Published on Saturday, August 02, 2014 by Waging Nonviolence By Stephanie Van Hook   The Xhosa concept of ubuntu, combined with the Arabic word intifada — as seen in  this graffiti on the “separation” wall in Bethlehem — roughly translates to mean: uplifting human dignity through nonviolence. (WNV / Van Hook)   Dr. Mona El-Farra, medical doctor… read more

Building a Movement of Peace Teams: training coming to a city near you

  By Jessica Anderson, the Metta Center for Nonviolence Note: If you are interested in getting trained the skills and strategies for building a national movement of local peace teams, we have good news. MPT Is going to be going on a nationwide tour to do just that. You can find out more about where… read more

Yeb Sano’s fast for the climate offers sanity amid the madness of global inaction

Filipino lead negotiator Yeb Sano undertook a 13-day fast for the climate at the U.N. climate talks in Warsaw. ( By Philip Wight. Originally posted on Waging Nonviolence, November 25th, 2013.   Less than two weeks ago, Filipino climate negotiator Yeb Saño delivered a landmark speech on climate change. Speaking before delegates of 195 nations at the 19th conference… read more

The Nonviolent Principles of Nature

[FROM CAL PEACE POWER MAGAZINE: VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, SPRING 2007) The Nonviolent Principles of Nature By Scott Riley Printable Version: Download as PDF   Click to Enlarge   The dominant human culture is currently organized around a “realist” worldview. This paradigm describes the universe as a collection of disconnected entities that share nothing intrinsically in common.… read more

Love at the barrel of a gun

Original content for Transformation at, posted on 1 November 2013.  Violence can only be overcome by love. An armed intruder meets an unexpected response at an elementary school in Georgia.   Memorial at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Credit: Shutterstock. All rights reserved. When Antoinette Tuff was confronted by a would-be mass killer in the entry hall… read more

Catholic Nuns and Nonviolent Action

By S. Francesca Po, Metta Strategic Advisory Council member and liaison to wisdom traditions.    Contrary to popular images, many contemporary Catholic nuns (or Sisters) no longer wear habits, live in cloisters, or slap mischievous schoolboys in the hand with a ruler.  They are among the most socially active individuals committed to social and cultural progress… read more