Search Results for nonviolence in the news

“Mutual respect, mutual security”–Daily Metta

May 30: “No propaganda can be allowed which reviles other religions.” –Gandhi (Young India, May 29, 1924, p. 180)   My spiritual teacher liked to tell a joke about two men from different religions sitting next to one another. One of them looks at the other and says, “You know, we both worship the same… read more

Peace Education Inspiration: Colman McCarthy

In this week’s Education Corner, I’d like to share with you this interview with Colman McCarthy on C-SPAN2’s After Words program, which has given me great inspiration in my own teaching this month. As we approach the summer months, it’s a perfect time for us educators to reflect on our own teaching practice, and this interview provides… read more

“Gandhi had a mother”–Daily Metta

May 10 “The outstanding impression that my mother has left on my memory is saintliness.” –Gandhi (Autobiography, p. 4) (See photo below of Gandhi with his mother.)    While Gandhi had many influences in his life, none was greater in his spiritual development than his mother, Putilbai. A very earnest spiritual aspirant, Putilbai upheld in… read more

“Michael wakes up”–Daily Metta

May 4: “Those who know anything of this matchless force should teach their neighbors to bear repression not weakly and helplessly, but bravely and knowingly.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 4-8-1939, p. 80) How did you come to realize the potential of the “matchless force” of nonviolence? My mentor’s story is one of my favorites. If you can… read more

“Food as Medicine”–Daily Metta

April 25 “Food has to be taken as we take medicine.” –Gandhi (Yervada Mandir, p. 11) Before the pharmaceutical cooptation of our health; before the patenting of seed, and pesticides and packaging stale foods; before making it illegal to feed those without homes, there was food itself–fresh and alive. When Gandhi talks about food as medicine, he’s… read more

Ode to Thich Nhat Hanh, Inspired by Earth Day

Aware that much suffering is caused by war and conflict, we are determined to cultivate nonviolence, compassion, and the insight of interbeing in our daily lives and promote peace education, mindful mediation, and reconciliation within families, communities, ethnic and religious groups, nations and the world. We are committed not to kill and not to let… read more

“Gandhi, soccer legend.”–Daily Metta

April 19 “With satya and ahimsa, you can bring the world to your feet.” –Gandhi (Young India, 3-10-1920, p. 3)  Gandhi and the dream team. If Gandhi had a favorite sport, it would have been soccer, hands down (pun intended, both here and in the quote, thank you). And I am not just making it up. Imagine… read more

Singing Kabīr…on Peace Paradigm Radio

At the start of this week’s show, Michael Nagler “almost” gets excited with the latest nonviolence news: divestment, Spring Rising, the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, 99Rise, anti-drone movements. Then Linda Hess—scholar, writer and a lover of Kabir—joins us to discuss Kabir’s 15th century poetry and what it has to do with nonviolence. If you aren’t already… read more

“A New Kind of Think Tank”–Daily Metta

April 4: “The method of satyagraha requires that the satyagrahi should never lose hope, so long as there is the slightest ground for it.” –Gandhi ( Mahatma, Vol. 5, p. 235)   When Michael Nagler told one of his young friends that he was going to start a new think tank on nonviolence, she responded… read more

Cesar Chavez Screening

Join Metta Center for a screening of Cesar Chavez (2014), in celebration of his birth and Cesar Chavez Day. It will be followed by a short conversation in immigration, Cesar Chavez, farmworkers and nonviolence! Date: March 29th, 2015 Time: 5:30 for dinner, 6:30 for the film. Place: Aqus Café, 189 H Street. Petaluma, CA 94952… read more