Tag Archives: ashram

“The POWER of Knowledge”–Daily Metta

August 3: “[In the Ashram] Everyone is encouraged to acquire full knowledge of his own subject.” –Gandhi (Ashram Observances in Action)   While imprisoned in the Aga Khan Palace with Gandhi and Kasturba (Gandhi’s wife) Sushila Nayar remembers a conversation that revealed to her an insight about the mind of the Mahatma. She and her… read more

“The way to Gandhi’s heart”–Daily Metta

April 28 “Ahimsa is our supreme duty.” –Gandhi (Yeravda Mandir, p. 7) Ahimsa means respect of all of life, and as this can seem impossible, Gandhi would always connect the ideal with a practical suggestion. For example: “Look at the flowers–which belong to all of life–that surround the ashram. Why would picking them as an offering… read more


Since times immemorial in India (with parallels in other monastic traditions), spiritual communities have gathered around a spiritual teacher in intentional communities to carry out strenuous practices (a-shram comes from a root meaning exertion) under ideal conditions.  Gandhi founded four such intentional communities throughout his career that also served as training grounds for those preparing… read more


Renunciation is the translation of the Sanskrit term aparigraha, (non-grasping). Renunciation was one of cardinal principles for residents of Gandhi’s ashrams. This attitude of renouncing personal attachment to anything — an object, another person, even an idea or opinion — is the key to self mastery, and also the spiritual key to freedom from coercion by… read more