Tag Archives: labor

“When care is revolutionary”–Daily Metta

November 10: “An owner never spoils his property.” –Gandhi (Young India, August 4, 1927) Gandhi, talking to mill workers in 1927, wanted them to understand their power. Without labor, he insisted, there would be no product. He tells them, “When you know that the mill is as much yours as the mill-owners’, you will never… read more

“The POWER of Knowledge”–Daily Metta

August 3: “[In the Ashram] Everyone is encouraged to acquire full knowledge of his own subject.” –Gandhi (Ashram Observances in Action)   While imprisoned in the Aga Khan Palace with Gandhi and Kasturba (Gandhi’s wife) Sushila Nayar remembers a conversation that revealed to her an insight about the mind of the Mahatma. She and her… read more

“Labor and Dignity”–Daily Metta

January 16 “This mad rush for wealth must cease, and the laborer must be assured, not only of a living wage, but a daily task that is not a mere drudgery.” -Gandhi (Harijan, 11-2-1934) The Sanskrit term svadharma is integral to the vision of a nonviolent world. The concept means that everyone has her or… read more