Tag Archives: Earth Day

Rethinking Earth Day Celebrations

The following piece is and adapted version of a post that originally appeared on the Peace Resource Center of San Diego’s (PRCSD) Facebook page. Stephanie Knox Cubbon, Director of Education at the Metta Center, serves on the PRCSD board.   Every year for Earth Day, San Diego holds Earth Fair, which bills itself as the… read more

Nonviolence as Experiential Lab: Newsletter

For the Love of Peace & Our Earth “One of the best aspects of nonviolence is that we can question everything, even our sacred texts, so long as they pass the test in the laboratory of our own experiences.” Our executive director, Stephanie Van Hook, opens today’s newsletter with insights on peace and the courageous… read more

“Our Planet, Ourselves”–Daily Metta

April 22 “To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 8-25-1946, p. 282) On Earth Day, we owe it to our beautiful planet to ask ourselves why we harm her. Why do we exploit her? Is this because it is our nature to do so? Hardly.… read more

Ode to Thich Nhat Hanh, Inspired by Earth Day

Aware that much suffering is caused by war and conflict, we are determined to cultivate nonviolence, compassion, and the insight of interbeing in our daily lives and promote peace education, mindful mediation, and reconciliation within families, communities, ethnic and religious groups, nations and the world. We are committed not to kill and not to let… read more