Tag Archives: stephanie knox cubbon

Person Power Yoga Retreat: April 8–10, 2016

Our in-depth weekend retreat integrates yoga, meditation, and nonviolence to create a powerful approach to personal and social change. Where: Mount Madonna Center, Watsonville, CA Hosted by a team of peacebuilders from the Metta Center: Michael Nagler, Stephanie Van Hook, Stephanie Knox-Cubbon, Kimberlyn David This integrative, practical, and educational yoga retreat is open to everyone… read more

On Joy & Hope for Our Nonviolent Future: Newsletter

Students See the Value of Nonviolence “When I hear people voicing despair about the state of the world,” writes Stephanie Knox-Cubbon in her newsletter introduction, “I say to them, ‘I wish you could meet my students!'” Stephanie looks toward our nonviolent future, one her students believe in—and one they’re making happen everyday. Today’s newsletter also… read more

Nonviolence is everywhere: Podcast

Nonviolence News, Songs and Analysis, Oh My! Want a dose of practical hope and a dash of fun? Today’s podcast is for you. Michael Nagler returns to explore all nonviolence happening all over the world, and Metta’s Education Director, Stephanie Knox-Cubbon joins Stephanie Van Hook and Michael in the studio with some of her own… read more

Lifelong Studentship: Newsletter

“When I’m deeply challenged, I ask: ‘What can I learn from this struggle?'” Today’s newsletter opens with a hopeful note from our education director, Stephanie Knox-Cubbon, about lifelong studentship and the learning and awakening that come from teaching and practicing nonviolence. Read the July 29, 2015 newsletter. Subscribe to our newsletter.… read more

Peace Is Every Laugh

I just returned from Philadelphia, where I was invited to talk about peace at the Humor Academy lunch at the Association for Applied Therapeutic Humor (AATH) annual conference. The AATH is an organization of professionals from various fields who integrate humor into their lives and work to promote health and well-being. My talk was entitled… read more

Peace Education Inspiration: Colman McCarthy

In this week’s Education Corner, I’d like to share with you this interview with Colman McCarthy on C-SPAN2’s After Words program, which has given me great inspiration in my own teaching this month. As we approach the summer months, it’s a perfect time for us educators to reflect on our own teaching practice, and this interview provides… read more

Ode to Thich Nhat Hanh, Inspired by Earth Day

Aware that much suffering is caused by war and conflict, we are determined to cultivate nonviolence, compassion, and the insight of interbeing in our daily lives and promote peace education, mindful mediation, and reconciliation within families, communities, ethnic and religious groups, nations and the world. We are committed not to kill and not to let… read more

Training in Nonviolence

Stephanie Knox Cubbon is a Fellow at the Metta Center and a peace educator and yoga teacher based in San Diego. Stephanie initially collaborated with Metta on a course on nonviolence for educators through her work as the Peace Education Program Coordinator at Teachers Without Borders (TWB). As an edulearner faculty member and Online Learning Manager at the… read more