Tag Archives: emergency peace teams

Nonviolent Conflict Intervention Skills 2-day Training

Mica and Peijman are offering their two day training in Santa Rosa! This two-day training is formed around one simple premise: conflict is inevitable, violence is not. Learn how to reclaim your personal power by seeking a third path between passivity and violence: active nonviolence. The nonviolent conflict intervention and de-escalation skills taught in this… read more

Ferguson Statement- Shanti Sena Network

Response to Ferguson from the Shanti Sena Network: Whether or not you believe that Darren Wilson is guilty, no one can deny that trust in the American police force is really low. This trust is especially low in communities of color and low income communities.  A list of demands from Ferguson protestors included: a plan… read more

Empathy, Compassion and Nonviolent Intervention – Podcast

“I think we all have empathy. We may not have enough courage to display it.” –Maya Angelou (Botticelli’s La primavera is set in a bitter orange grove. . .  What does this have to do with our show? Read below…) Empathy and compassion are essential to personal well-being. They are also skills we can develop that help… read more