Tag Archives: happiness

A Radical Idea: Daily Metta

“Happiness has no exchange value. There’s no profit from it.” From Gandhi to Vinoba, by Lanzo del Vasto, p. 26 When advertisers offer us happiness in exchange for buying something, for ourselves or others, we would do well to remember Gandhi’s insight: there is no happiness outside of ourselves. Advertisers don’t really want us to… read more

A Higher Happiness: Daily Metta

“The opinions I have formed and the conclusions I have arrived at are not final, I may change them tomorrow.” ~ Gandhi in Mahatma, Vol. IV, 1936 The Buddha once said, “when a person, clinging to a lower happiness, beholds a higher one, let him or her let go of the lower and hold onto the… read more

“Happiness: a dare”–Daily Metta

October 3: “I would like people to compete with me in my contentment.” –Gandhi (Young India, April 30, 1925) Nonviolence does not eschew all forms of competition. Not at all. Competition can be a healthy, positive technique to help us unfold our full selves. But like anything else that can quickly become narcissistic and destructive,… read more

“Happiness–Key to Economics”–Daily Metta

July 3: “The extension of the law of nonviolence in the domain of economics means nothing less than the introduction of moral values as a factor to be considered in regulating international commerce.” –Gandhi (Young India, December 26, 1924) Morality in economics sounds like an oxymoron.  I can just hear it: leave morality to your… read more

“Happiness and Human Dignity”- Daily Metta

January 4 Happiness means an enlightened realization of human dignity and a craving for human liberty which prizes itself above mere selfish satisfaction of personal comforts and material wants and would readily and joyfully sacrifice these. -Gandhi (Young India 3-5-1931) When people who knew Gandhi reflect on what it was like to be around him,… read more

The How of Happiness: A “Rap” video…

This interesting video on explores strategies for cultivating lasting happiness. We’d add a few more points: 1. Unplug from the mass media and engage in practices for unlearning oppression 2. Learn everything you can about nonviolence 3. Get personal and “practice personhood” 4. Get involved in the issue you are passionate about. Thanks to Jeff… read more