Tag Archives: maria stephan

Metta Center in the New York Times

Yesterday, the New York Times ran an op-ed about—get this—nonviolence. Published in the wake of the horrible expressions of white “supremacy” in Charlottesville, VA, the piece extols the effectiveness of humor and nonviolence principles/strategies to dispel displays of racist hatred. The op-ed, written by Moises Velasquez-Manoff, quotes two members of our Metta Center staff. Here’s… read more

Roundtable Symposium: November 10, 2016

After Confrontation, Then What? Nonviolence in the 21st Century The School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution at George Mason University will be hosting this roundtable symposium and on the role and relevance of nonviolence to the social, economic, and cultural conflict challenges that new frameworks of violence—from terrorism to climate change—present in this century. Date… read more

“Nonviolence, the only short-cut”–Daily Metta

November 6: “I do not believe in short-violent-cuts to success.” –Gandhi (Harijan, December 11, 1924) The Global War on Terror tries to sell us the false idea that we can effectively fight terrorism by killing “terrorists,” instead of addressing the conditions that led to terrorism in the first place. A “short-violent-cut to success,” instead of… read more