Tag Archives: nonviolent parenting

Heart of a Hero: A Kids’ Camp

The following is a guest blog post by Arvin Paranjpe. As a parent with absolutely no experience in teaching or leading kids, I had a crazy but faintly lucid idea:  I should start a week-long nonviolence camp for my six year-old daughter. And so I did—with the help of my wife, several part-time parents, three… read more

“The education of a lifetime”–Daily Metta

September 16: “The child should never feel that he is being taught.” –Gandhi (Navijivan, June 2, 1929) When Narayan Desai, fondly referred to by Gandhiji as “Babla,” decided to quit the village school running on the colonial education system in favor of the “school” of working for Gandhi at the ashram, he was convinced it… read more