New song, new name! Our good friend, Rivera Sun, joins us for our first episode of Nonviolence Radio (previously Peace Paradigm Radio), to tell us about her new Young Adult novel The Way Between. Rivera Sun is a performance artist, radio host, activist, author of books, poetry and screenplays, and much, much more. Stephanie, Michael and Rivera… read more
Tag Archives: children
Heart of a Hero: A Kids’ Camp

The following is a guest blog post by Arvin Paranjpe. As a parent with absolutely no experience in teaching or leading kids, I had a crazy but faintly lucid idea: I should start a week-long nonviolence camp for my six year-old daughter. And so I did—with the help of my wife, several part-time parents, three… read more
Law of Love: Daily Metta
“The law of love could be best understood and learned through little children.” ~ Gandhi, Mind of Mahatma Gandhi, p. 423 To learn great life lessons from children, we have to shift our view of who they are and what they are capable of. We cannot let ourselves assume a “power over” attitude, using coercion… read more
“Taking children seriously”–Daily Metta
November 21: “From my experience of hundreds, I was going to say thousands, of children I know that they have perhaps a finer sense of honor than you and I have.” –Gandhi (Young India, November 19, 1931) How often does our media turn to hear the voices of children when violence occurs? We see their… read more
Nonviolence is everywhere: Podcast

Nonviolence News, Songs and Analysis, Oh My! Want a dose of practical hope and a dash of fun? Today’s podcast is for you. Michael Nagler returns to explore all nonviolence happening all over the world, and Metta’s Education Director, Stephanie Knox-Cubbon joins Stephanie Van Hook and Michael in the studio with some of her own… read more
“A child’s big question”–Daily Metta
August 30: “Times change and systems decay. But it is my faith that, in the result, it is only nonviolence and things that are based on nonviolence that will endure.” –Gandhi (Harijan, April 29, 1939) Mahatma Gandhi is a big name, not only to understand and from whom to learn, but when you are five… read more