Tag Archives: open heart

Reason & Heart: Daily Metta

“Both reason and heart refuse to reconcile themselves to torture for any crime, no matter how vile the crime may be.” ~ Gandhi, Young India, February 26, 19256 There are certain human universals to which we can never afford to lose our sensitivity (as has recently happened in the post-9/11 policy of this country). The… read more

The Searchlight: Daily Metta

“You have to magnify your own faults a thousandfold and shut your eyes to the faults of your neighbors. That is the only way to real progress.” ~ Gandhi, Harijan, October 26, 1947 Just a year before the end of his life, Gandhi was pouring out jewels of wisdom about the inward dynamics of the… read more

Openness: Daily Metta

“Experience has taught me that it is a mistake hastily to imagine that anything that we cannot understand is necessarily wrong.” ~ Gandhi, from Gandhi’s Dialogue with Christianity, p. 4 (published by Swaraj Peeth) Gandhi teaches us that approaching life with an open heart and an open mind is not just to make us feel… read more

Commitment #7: Loving No Matter What

  Commitment #7: Loving No Matter What: Even when my needs are seriously unmet, I want to keep my heart open. If I find myself becoming judgmental, angry, or otherwise triggered, I want to seek support in transforming my judgments and meeting others with love.   How can we love “no matter what?” Who really… read more