Tag Archives: relationships

Relationships: Daily Metta

“It is to me a matter of perennial satisfaction that I retain generally the affection and trust of those whose principles and policies I oppose.” ~ Gandhi, Young India, March 17, 1927, p. 82 Nonviolence is a supreme art, and here, Gandhi points to a hard-won skill: opposing someone without damaging the relationship. Indeed, in… read more

Recognizing True Power: Your Daily Metta Weekend Video

In this video, Michael Nagler continues in Chapter Four of Search for a Nonviolent Future, highlighting the importance of recognizing and developing our inner capacity for nonviolence as a true source of power. Please add your comments below. About Daily Metta Stephanie Van Hook, the Metta Center’s executive director, launched Daily Metta in 2015 as… read more

Nonviolence Benefits Everyone…

When Gandhi was writing regularly in his newspaper Young India during the Indian Freedom Struggle, he would often receive letters from critics which would be somewhat insulting. His response to these critics would typically begin, “This letter seems to be intended as an insult.  However I choose not to take it as such,” and he would… read more