Posts by Metta Center

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-09 Read Ken Butigan's excellent piece… # You can not love, you can not love unless you understand. You can not be compassionate and accept the other… # Attention Community. We have created a space on our website to help people connect with the Roadmap, and we need… # a Great Hope… read more

Roadmap Basics

WE ALL BELONG HERE: ROADMAP–A STRATEGY FOR LONG-TERM NONVIOLENT TRANSFORMATION How many times have you heard someone say, where do we go from here? ROADMAP  just might be an answer. Roadmap is a strategic plan drawing on Gandhian principles for long-term nonviolent transformation with the potential to unite all of our various projects and passions without sacrificing their individuality.… read more

Where do you belong in Roadmap? Connect here.

“There are no roads to peace. Peace is the road.” –M.K. Gandhi Now that you have downloaded a copy of Roadmap, explored the “Story of Belonging,” and read the “pledge of nonviolence,” here’s where you make the critical connections about your work and where you find yourself currently on the Roadmap. Our goal is to… read more