TODAY, June 6, marks the anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944. It is also, given the time difference, the day in 1893 (June 7th, over there) that Mohandas Gandhi was thrown off a train at Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. The former event marked the beginning of the end of World War II. The… read more
Posts by Prof. Michael Nagler
Nonviolence Report April 28, 2021

Nonviolence is happening all over the world, though it’s underreported in the mass media. The Nonviolence Report with Michael Nagler will give the news in nonviolence, events, and analysis which might even inspire you to take action where you live. 00:23 Intro 00:55 Master of Sustainable Peacebuilding Course 01:36 Third Harmony Screening in Jalgaon 02:06… read more
Nonviolence Report April 23, 2021
00:42 Chauvin Verdict 01:35 Healing Our City — Darnell Moore for Ma’Khia Bryant 07:58 “Madman with a Sword” analogy 08:39 Restorative Justice 09:18 Nonviolence and the case of the extremely ruthless opponent 10:56 Resources 11:02 Free Bystander Intervention & De-escalation Trainings 11:29 For Goodness Sake: Music for the Nonviolent Future 12:11 Planned Actions for Campaign… read more
A bit of History Offers a Clue for Going Forward
Originally published in Waging Nonviolence On Aug. 24, 410 C.E., Alaric with his army of Goths entered Rome and sacked the capital of the empire. The shock echoed throughout the circum-Mediterranean world and Europe: How could this happen to the “eternal city”? Though the scale of the attack was so much smaller, and it failed,… read more
A Call to Nonviolence.
“Nonviolence is a kind of power, and that power is inside of every one of us.” ~Dr. Bernard Lafayette in “The Third Harmony” It seems that with each passing day the urgency of nonviolence increases, and yesterday it certainly took a leap forward in this country. If, as we address the crisis now, we do so… read more
Let the Healing Begin
Though I pride myself on being familiar with Gandhi’s voluminous writings, there was one aspect of his thinking that never registered with me until I saw the back window of a truck the other day with a death’s head on the rear window and a bumper sticker that read, POLITICALLY INCORRECT / AND PROUD OF… read more
Time to Rebuild with Nonviolence

We, the board and staff of the Metta Center, have been in the process of writing something for our friends and followers about the electoral crisis, but the situation has been and remains so fluid that we waited for a definitive outcome at least of the election itself, though there are still dangers and unknowns… read more
Beyond the Storm
Beyond the storm of political, health and climate disasters — a conversation with Michael Nagler Many of us are deeply engaged in preventing a coup and otherwise securing a free and fair election. Metta Center President and author Michael Nagler, in addition to engaging in these efforts, has also been taking a long view. In… read more
Gandhi and Us: A Message from Michael Nagler
Today marks the 151st anniversary of Gandhi’s birth (Oct. 2, 1869) — and a crisis in American and world democracy such as I, for one, never dreamed I would witness in my by-now long lifetime. For some time now, it has seemed that these two forces, the downward drive into chaos and violence and the… read more
A Dream Realized!
MICHAEL NAGLER REFLECTS ON THE PREMIERE OF THE THIRD HARMONY DOCUMENTARY FILM BELOW. Dear friends, My heart is full of love, hope, and gratitude as our long-awaited film is having its world premiere at the Illuminate Film Festival and friends are already writing to us with such enthusiastic greetings: I got my notification just after… read more