MICHAEL NAGLER REFLECTS ON THE PREMIERE OF THE THIRD HARMONY DOCUMENTARY FILM BELOW. Dear friends, My heart is full of love, hope, and gratitude as our long-awaited film is having its world premiere at the Illuminate Film Festival and friends are already writing to us with such enthusiastic greetings: I got my notification just after… read more
Tag Archives: New Story
We are all part of one another.
Howard Thurman in his sermons on Jesus and the Disenfranchised poses an interesting dilemma about valuing country over life. In his words: “During times of war hatred becomes quite respectable, even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism.” Let us not become haters of one another–haters of our shared humanity– under any guise at… read more
New Story Media Savvy: 5 Practical Steps

Five tips from the Metta Center for Nonviolence Media Awareness. … read more
“Basic Training” for Spiritual Warriors
Image of art from Kabul graffiti artist, Kabul Knights Joanna Macy talks about three tasks needed to bring in a world of spiritual progress: create new institutions, change the culture, and stop the worst of the damage. At Metta we feel that the worst of the damage has been to the human image – who… read more
Not just a billboard, a story
On my rare visits to LA, I am always impressed (negatively) by the blatant violence of the billboards advertising films and TV. This past weekend was no exception. Apparently, there are fashions in violence. A while back it was crime, then a particularly sick one: the dead – zombies slouching toward you every other street.… read more
A New Story for Changing Times: Newsletter

There are things we can’t change, but there’s always something within that framework that we can. The severe deterioration of our democratic institutions seems to have an implacable momentum, leading us to the kind of seismic cultural change known as “paradigm shift.” That we can do little about. But what we can do—and the Metta… read more
New Story + Nonviolence = Victory – podcast

This week on Nonviolence Radio, Michael and Stephanie reveal the math equation for societal transformation and a new paradigm: NV + NS = V. Nonviolence plus New Story equals Victory. Learn about the effects of nonviolence and violence on the human body and psyche. How do we shift the image of the human being and ground… read more
Transforming War culture: Daily Metta Video
War, Nagler offers, is not just an institution; it represents a culture. What happens when we insert nonviolence into our culture? Can it help to end war? About Daily Metta Stephanie Van Hook, the Metta Center’s executive director, launched Daily Metta in 2015 as a way to share Gandhi’s spiritual wisdom and experiments with nonviolence.… read more
Nonviolence is human nature: Daily Metta video
Michael Nagler emphasizes the importance of the the new story of human nature as it relates to understanding how nonviolence works. “Nonviolence is not breaking human nature; it’s expressing human nature.” About Daily Metta Stephanie Van Hook, the Metta Center’s executive director, launched Daily Metta in 2015 as a way to share Gandhi’s spiritual… read more
Mass-media Culture: Daily Metta
“The political domination of England is bad enough. The cultural is infinitely worse.… When the cultural domination is complete the political will defy resistance.” ~ Gandhi, Young India, July 9, 1925 Recently Thomas Friedman wrote that the (disastrous) result of the 2016 presidential election in the US “has much less to do with trade or… read more