May 20 “The true meaning of non-resistance has often been misunderstood or even distorted. It never implies that a nonviolent man should bend before the violence of an aggressor.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 3-30-1947, p. 85-86) Have you ever heard the story about the snake and the sage? One day a wise, old sage was passing… read more
Posts by Stephanie Van Hook
“Care of the present”–Daily Metta
May 19: “I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned enough with taking care of the present.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 1-25-1935, p. 399) St. Augustine did not believe that the past, present and future were “times” as much as states of mind. The past is recollection; the future, anticipation; and the present: awareness.… read more
“The Divine Radio”–Daily Metta
May 18: “The Divine Radio is always singing, if we could only make ourselves ready to listen to it, but it is impossible to listen without silence.” –Gandhi (Truth is God, p. 60) While the Metta Center does host an awesome community radio program, Peace Paradigm Radio, which tackles the tough questions around nonviolence in… read more
“Singing the Change”–Podcast
Have you ever heard our theme song? “We are building a path to the Peace Paradigm?” It’s pretty epic. Berkeley resident Lloyd Ferris is the musician behind the genius, and he loves singing about nonviolence. Joining us in the studio, Lloyd will plays Michael’s guitar and sings some of his very unique songs about nonviolence,… read more
“No Greater Bravery”–Daily Metta
May 17 “There is no bravery greater than a resolute refusal to bend the knee to an earthly power, no matter how great, an that, without bitterness of spirit.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 10-13-1948, p. 291 Experiment in Nonviolence: Try, just for a thought-experiment, to turn some of your fears on their head, and… read more
“Hugging Meditation”–Daily Metta
May 16: “Perfection in love or non-possession will remain unattainable ideal as long as we are alive, but towards which we must ceaselessly strive.” –Gandhi (My Religion 1935, p. 412) Gandhi always wanted to bring together the best of the East and the West as he developed his nonviolence. Vietnamese monk, spiritual activist Thich… read more
“Conscientious Objector”–Daily Metta

May 15: “I must not suppress the voice of conscience.” –Gandhi (My Nonviolence, p. 201-2) We all know about Memorial Day, President’s Day, and “Columbus” Day, but did you know that there is an international holiday to celebrate the courage of the Conscientious Objector? That’s right. The date of May 15 marks the recurrence of… read more
“An honest person”–Daily Metta
May 14: “Openness of mind strengthens the truth in us, and removes the dross in us if there is any.” –Gandhi (Mind of Mahatma Gandhi, p. 342) One day I received an email with a very generous offer: Would the Metta Center like to acquire my father’s Gandhi collection? This man’s father happened to be the author… read more
“A child’s devotion”–Daily Metta
May 13: “Without devotion, action and knowledge are cold and dry, and may even become shackles.” –Gandhi (The message of the Gita, p. 26) When Gandhi was a little boy, he notes, while in school, he rarely had the time or the inclination to read books that were not assigned for class. One book–a play–… read more
“Charlie Chaplin meets Gandhi”–Daily Metta
May 12 “If God ever sent me to the West, I should go there to penetrate the hearts of the masses, to have quiet talks with the youth (…) and have the privilege of meeting kindred spirits–lovers of peace at any price save that of truth.” –Gandhi ( Mahatma, vol II, p. 417) In his… read more