Educators for Nonviolence

This page is dedicated to educators who are looking for new ways of bringing nonviolence into the classroom. New material will be added at least once or twice a week, so check in often.

Administrator Concerns About NVC in Schools

I’ve written about using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a core component of a set of restorative practices and also a core component of social and emotional learning practices. In effect, all are interrelated and several school leaders that I’ve consulted with have found the three helpful for explaining and enacting parts of their behavior management… read more

Nonviolence Education Call #3: Six Steps to Reconcile Conflict

Post by Joseph Gardella This summer, the Metta Center for Nonviolence hosted a conference call series on nonviolence education and building community that focused on how and why nonviolence may be particularly effective for reconciling conflict in schools. Special guest Robin Wildman, a nonviolence educator from Broad Rock Middle School in Rhode Island with 25… read more

The Gap Between Nonviolence & Social Sciences

I was introduced to nonviolence and sciences in a university setting. During undergraduate studies, I was a student and later a teaching assistant for a course on the philosophy and theory of nonviolence (textbook for the course). I also learned from Dr. Michael Nagler’s PACS 164-A, B, & C courses. I was familiar with various… read more

Nonviolence Education Call #2: Six Principles of Nonviolence

This summer, the Metta Center for Nonviolence is hosting a series on nonviolence education and building community that particularly focuses on how and why nonviolence can be particularly effective for reconciling conflict in schools. Special guest Robin Wildman, a nonviolence educator from Broad Rock Middle School in Rhode Island with 25 years of teaching experience,… read more

Towards a Science of Nonviolence in Schools

What is a natural and social science approach to understanding and applying nonviolence, particularly as it manifests in schools that implement restorative practices? I’ll be addressing this question over the next year as a Metta Center for Nonviolence research fellow. In the meantime, it’s worth considering why a scientific perspective on this question is important.… read more

Nonviolence Education Call #1: Breaking Down Conflict

This summer, the Metta Center for Nonviolence is hosting a series on nonviolence education and building community that particularly focuses on how and why nonviolence can be particularly effective for reconciling conflict in schools. Special guest Robin Wildman, a nonviolence educator from Broad Rock Middle School in Rhode Island with 25 years of teaching experience,… read more

Restorative Practices & Social Change Action

This is Part 2 of a two-part blog post. Part 1 looked at preparing for holding a difficult conversation about poverty. Here, I clarify how restorative practices might help facilitate a conversation about poverty and what to do to address poverty. The preparations I mentioned in Part 1 included recollecting thoughts on the matter, nonviolent… read more

Nonviolence Education and Building Community: Conference Call Series

Dates: June 9, July 14, August 4 (Thursdays) Time: 5:00-6:00 pm PST Platform: UberConference (via computer or phone) Cost: Free! Click here to register! Join Metta and special guest Robin Wildman, a nonviolence educator from Broad Rock Middle School in Rhode Island, for an inspiring discussion series geared towards educators and anyone who is passionate… read more