Tag Archives: daily metta

“Not afraid to die”–Daily Metta

March 20: “I am not afraid to die in my mission, if that is to be my fate.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 4-27-1947, p. 127)  Michael Nagler learned a lesson one day on campus at Berkeley when speaking before the military affairs class,  he put the “escalation curve” model on the chalkboard. At the far end of… read more

“Life is an Endless Experiment”–Daily Metta

March 19: “Life is but an endless series of experiments.” —Gandhi (Young India 9-25-1924, p. 313) When we approach life in the spirit of nonviolence, we must do so in humility. It is a seeming impossible goal, yet the promise is that in striving and doing our level best, we can indeed move closer to… read more

“The Practical and the Spiritual”–Daily Metta

March 18: “If any action of mine claimed to be spiritual is proved to be unpractical, it must be pronounced to be a failure. I do believe that the most spiritual act is the most practical act in the true sense of the term.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 7-1-1939, p. 181)   Seeking the practical is always… read more

“Making Heaven on Earth”–Daily Metta

March 17: “If we could erase the ‘I’s’ and ‘Mine’s’ from religion, politics, economics, etc., we shall soon be free and bring heaven upon earth.” –Gandhi (Young India, 9-3-1926, p. 336)   “Succeed at all costs, and leave the rest in the dust.” What if we were to turn the current purpose of our mainstream… read more

“I have also erred”–Daily Metta

March 16: “Whenever I see an erring man, I say to myself I have also erred.” –Gandhi (Young India, 2-10-1927, p. 44) A common misperception people hold about our species is that we are irredeemable if we commit an offense, and that a person who makes a mistake deserves to be punished. In nonviolence, our… read more

“Honoring Gandhi”–Daily Metta

March 15: “The highest honor my friends can do me is to enforce in their own lives the programme that I stand for or to resist me with their utmost if they do not believe in it.” —Gandhi (Young India, 6-12-1924, p. 197) Many people felt that they were honoring Gandhi with the high spiritual… read more

“We All Need Trust”–Daily Metta

March 14: “I believe in trusting. Trust begets trust.” —Gandhi (Young India, 6-4-1925, p. 193) The Buddha stated flatly that ‘trust is the best of relationships.’  In fact, it is so integral to who we are, that a lack of a healthy trust is a form of violence. For this reason, a discerning trust must… read more

“Interfaith Power”–Daily Metta

March 13: “True knowledge of religion breaks down the barriers between faith and faith.” —Gandhi (From Yervada Mandir, p. 40) Religions, while they have their superficial differences, all point to the same reality: the unity of life and its realization. As the wisdom tradition  maintains, “the paths are many but the truth is one.”  Unfortunately,… read more

“Letting the sandal go”–Daily Metta

March 12: “You may have occasion to possess or use material things, but the secret of life lies in never missing them.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 12-10-1938, p. 371) There is a wonderful story about Gandhi’s relationship to material things, in this case, his hand-made sandals. As he was catching a train, one of his sandals fell… read more

“The world as one family”–Daily Metta

March 11: “The golden way is to be friends with the world and to regard the whole human family like members of one family.” –Gandhi (Young India, 5-11-1921, p. 148) The family is often a challenging place to practice nonviolence, especially if there are standing conflicts yet unresolved. Brother and sister no longer talk; mother… read more