“I would warn Satyagrahis that such resentment is against the spirit of Satyagraha.” ~ Gandhi, speech made at Madras, March 18, 1919 The nonviolence of Gandhi’s conception challenges us to transform resentment. This goes beyond our words and actions, and penetrates directly to our state of mind, what some people would call “our thoughts.” The… read more
Tag Archives: mindfulness
Rethinking Earth Day Celebrations

The following piece is and adapted version of a post that originally appeared on the Peace Resource Center of San Diego’s (PRCSD) Facebook page. Stephanie Knox Cubbon, Director of Education at the Metta Center, serves on the PRCSD board. Every year for Earth Day, San Diego holds Earth Fair, which bills itself as the… read more
“Still Small Voice”–Daily Metta
February 5 “I shall lose my usefulness the moment I stifle the still small voice within.” –Gandhi (Young India 12-3-1925, p. 422) Mindfulness has recently gained in exposure–from classrooms to boardrooms to even the military. Many people feel positive about this new culture intended to help us “succeed,” while many others take pause at… read more
The Cure for Distraction is Mindfulness
While people all over the country at all levels of education and policy attempt to diagnose the ailments and causes of the decline of American education, I can do it in one simple word: distraction. There are so many things competing for our students’ attention these days. When I was in high school, we had… read more