On this page you will find several resources including a link to the webinar if you missed it; a follow-up Q and A with the presenters, and resources for further action. … read more
On this page you will find several resources including a link to the webinar if you missed it; a follow-up Q and A with the presenters, and resources for further action. … read more
December 5: “Ill-digested principles are, if anything, worse than ill-digested food.” –Gandhi (Mahatma, vol. 4, p. 154) Food is to the body what principles are to the spirit. When food is rotten, it can harm the body; when our principles are corrupted, they harm us and conceivably the world around us. Thus Gandhi maintains that… read more
December 4: “I want you also to grow with me.” –Gandhi (Mahatma, vol. 4, p. 154) I heard a song today, a freedom song, one sung in places like Selma and Birmingham in the 1960s. The singer, from Sweet Honey in the Rock, said, “I’d like to teach you a song. It will be the… read more
December 2: “I may tell you that I am constantly evolving, and the application of my principles is ever widening.” –Gandhi (Mahatma, vol. 4, p. 154) When we first hear about nonviolence, few of us believe that it can be put to work in almost every situation and every relationship imaginable. We usually (if you’re… read more
In this episode of Peace Paradigm Radio we interview author Alycee Lane about her book Nonviolence Now: Living the 1963 Birmingham Campaign’s Promise of Peace. We also juxtapose principled nonviolence and strategic nonviolence, discussing application and the meaning of both. What does it mean to embody nonviolence? Read more on her blog, Coming in from… read more
November 30: “I for one will not hesitate to give water or food to a soldier who comes to me with hands red with murder.” –Gandhi (Mahatma, vol. 6, p. 53) Gandhi understood that nonviolence was the active and radical expression of empathy. There was no one, in his book, who did not deserve kindness,… read more
November 29: “Nonviolence has brought us near to swaraj as never before. We dare not exchange it even for swaraj. For swaraj thus got will be no true swaraj.” –Gandhi (Mahatma, vol. 6, p. 41) Swaraj is the Sanskrit term for independence and freedom, as applied at all levels, from the personal to the global.… read more
November 28: “I, having made up my mind to surrender every non-essential, gain greater strength than ever before to die for the defense and preservation of what I hold to be essential.” –Gandhi (Mahatma, vol 6, p.3) There’s a story about a man who was being mugged, and he fought tooth and nail to ward… read more
November 26: “No big or swift movement can be carried on without bold risks, and life will not be worth living if it is not attended with large risks.” –Gandhi (Young India, December 15, 1921) Nonviolence is always going to include taking risks, but so does violence. And when you get down to it, so… read more
November 25: “My philosophy, if I can be said to have any, excludes the possibility of harm to one’s cause by outside agencies.” –Gandhi (Harijan, July 25, 1936) Whenever he talks about the full power of nonviolence, Gandhi is sure to tell us that the first observance we must acknowledge is, the cause must be… read more