April 22 “To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 8-25-1946, p. 282) On Earth Day, we owe it to our beautiful planet to ask ourselves why we harm her. Why do we exploit her? Is this because it is our nature to do so? Hardly.… read more
Tag Archives: Nonviolence
My Week at Metta Center for Nonviolence

Text by Annika Roes; Photo: Annika in down dog and Fancy the dog On my first evening at Metta Center, I was asked about my journey to Petaluma, CA. My initial answer was limited, but after spending a week at Metta Center—reading, listening, meditation, reflecting, and engaging in various conversations with the people who are… read more
“An evening exercise from Gandhi”–Daily Metta
April 20 “We cannot command results; we can only strive.” –Gandhi (Young India, 1-8-1925, pp. 15-16) Striving in nonviolence is hard work, and we all need encouragement. But homework? You got it. Gandhi gave his grandson Arun homework to help him gain the inner strength he needed to keep on striving. He counseled Arun to keep a large sheet… read more
“Yoga of Nonviolence”–Podcast
Spiritual activist, artist and yoga teacher, Narayan St. Jude joins Michael and Stephanie at the station to talk about his journey from being an Army reservist to becoming a yoga teacher and inspirational nonviolent “warrior.” This, as well as a conversation about holographic activism and more creative acts of nonviolence in our very entertaining news… read more
“Gandhi, soccer legend.”–Daily Metta
April 19 “With satya and ahimsa, you can bring the world to your feet.” –Gandhi (Young India, 3-10-1920, p. 3) Gandhi and the dream team. If Gandhi had a favorite sport, it would have been soccer, hands down (pun intended, both here and in the quote, thank you). And I am not just making it up. Imagine… read more
“Can soccer end war?”–Daily Metta
April 18: “When two nations are fighting, the duty of a votary of ahimsa is to stop the war.” –Gandhi (Autobiography, p. 258) War is a horrible, heart-breaking tragedy of human society, and there have been many heroic and effective efforts to end it. But here’s one to share with the sports fan in your… read more
“A lesson from children”–Daily Metta
April 16 “I have noticed it in my own experience that, if we would approach children in humility and in innocence, we would learn wisdom from them.” –Gandhi (Young India, 11-19-1931) I recently made the decision to fill up the bulk of my “free time” by becoming a preschool teacher in a Montessori classroom of… read more
“Liberation from an ideology”–Daily Metta
April 15 “I would like to say to the diligent reader of my writings and to others who are interested in them that I am not at all concerned with being consistent. In my search for Truth, I have discarded many ideas and learnt many new things.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 4-29-1933, p. 2) When I first… read more
“Jesus in my car”–Daily Metta
April 14 “The strength to kill is not essential for self-defense; one ought to have the strength to die.” –Gandhi (Young India 102101939, p, 27) One of my all time favorite stories of nonviolence in action is that of 92-year old, Pauline Jacobi. Getting into her car in the parking lot of her local Tennessee… read more
“Real Lovers of God”–Daily Metta
April 11 “I decline to be bound by an interpretation [of a religion], however learned it may be, if it is repugnant to reason or moral sense.” –Gandhi (Young India, 10-6-1921, p. 317) Gandhi’s favorite hymn, “Vaishnava Jana To” or “The True Lover of God,” was composed by 15th century Gujarati poet-mystic, Narsinha Mehta. So… read more