Oren Jay Sofer, author of Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication, talks about the power of communication and offers clear and practical tools for tough conversations (and texts and tweets). … read more
Oren Jay Sofer, author of Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication, talks about the power of communication and offers clear and practical tools for tough conversations (and texts and tweets). … read more
I’ve written about using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a core component of a set of restorative practices and also a core component of social and emotional learning practices. In effect, all are interrelated and several school leaders that I’ve consulted with have found the three helpful for explaining and enacting parts of their behavior management… read more
This will be a two-part blog post. In this first part, I focus on preparation for holding a difficult conversation about poverty, and in the second, I will clarify how restorative practices might help facilitate a conversation about poverty and what to do to address poverty. In an earlier post about addressing misconceptions often made… read more
July 10: “Where there is love there is life; hatred leads to destruction.” –Gandhi (Young India, May 5, 1920) A dear friend has told me time and again that when I use the word ‘hate,’ she always feels slightly surprised. It hadn’t really occurred to me. I have never spoken to her about hating anybody,… read more
In a previous post, we’ve introduced in-school restorative practices as tools to address discipline in a way that keeps students engaged in learning. We’ve situated restorative practices as components of developing person power, and components of a constructive program that envisions alternatives to punitive responses to behaviors. We’ve also addressed two common misconceptions about restorative… read more
In honor of Marshall Rosenberg October 6, 1934-February 7, 2015 Peace Paradigm Radio explores the power of active nonviolence. Our show begins with Michael Nagler’s inspiring and empowering review of nonviolence in the news from around the world. Then we begin to explore the relationship between nonviolence and nonviolent communication. Beyond its powerful potential in… read more
Photo: Kirk Crippens I am typing this while listening in on a memory circle—a conference call joined by people all over the planet to memorialize Marshall Rosenberg, the late founder of Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Marshall passed from this life last weekend. I knew him best from the years he taught regularly in the San Francisco… read more
———– by Miki Kashtan New to this blog? Read Miki’s Introduction to this series ‘All -in: fully committing to a life of nonviolence’ before getting started. If you feel called, please comment on posts and engage with one another. *** Availability for feedback: even when I want to be seen and accepted, I want to make myself available… read more
Commitment #4: Responsibility Even when overwhelmed with obstacles or difficult emotions, I want to take full responsibility for my feelings, my actions, and my life. If I find myself giving my power away to other people, larger forces, or analytic categories such as my past or any labels I put on myself, I want to… read more
Commitment #1: Openness to Myself Even when I act in ways I really don’t like, I want to keep my heart open to myself. If I find myself in self-judgment, I want to seek support to reconnect with myself. It is not humanly possible to live all of the commitments 100% of the time. They can point… read more