Tag Archives: peace voice

The Creative Power of Nonviolence: a conversation with Tom Hastings

  In this show, we begin by exploring nonviolence in the news, where you’ll hear Michael express concern over some recent propaganda he heard at his gym about Fracking (hint: it linked it to nationalism), you’ll hear Stephanie express concern over Sarah Palin’s recent statement about water boarding (hint: it has to do with feminism),… read more

National Peacemakers Summit Meeting Leads to Creation of Shanti Sena Network

By Mary Hanna     Portland, OR –Seventeen people from across the United States and Canada, committed to nonviolence and teaching the tools of third-party nonviolent intervention, gathered this weekend at the Whitefeather Peace House in Portland, Oregon to discuss unifying their efforts to create a nonviolent response to violence in their local areas.  The three-day… read more